Fix Long Names Admin Dashboard
When there is a long project, group or user name and you are in the admin dashboard the long strings can mess up the formating. This commit truncates those names to a reasonable size similar to how the project names on the user dashboard get truncated.
Merge request reports
@Andrew I don't see the issue with this, can you maybe post a screenshot with your exact issue?
I'm running GitLab 6.4.3 38397dbe. This issue could be fixed in the latest versions. I haven't had the opportunity to test. Here is an example of what I am talking about though where I purposely made a long project name which then makes the times and things go a little crazy on the Admin dashboard under "Latest Projects".
Actually, even truncating at 40 characters is still a touch too long when "less than a minute ago" is displayed. However, I think in the latest version the "ago" was removed. It isn't in the version I am running though.
Again, this might all be different on the latest version but I'm hoping it isn't drastically different.
I pulled down the latest
for the admin dashboard and things look totally different. Assuming this is how things look in the newest version you can probably close this merge request. It would take a really long user, group or project name to mess up the formatting.It is still possible to mess up the formatting though. Seems like the maximum length of a project name is 255 chars which would affect the formatting on the layout of the new Admin Dashboard page as well. I would just increase the truncate length from 40 chars to something higher. Not sure who would a name that long for anything but who knows.
@dzaporozhets Does b6a609ed implement this? If so please close this!
mentioned in commit 7359262f