Bump Redis requirement to 2.8 for Sidekiq 4
GitLab Omnibus already uses Redis 2.8. There is also a plan to upgrade to Sidekiq 4, which needs Redis 2.8.
Closes #3649 (closed)
Merge request reports
Reassigned to @DouweM
@jacobvosmaer What do you think about forcing people to upgrade to Redis 2.6?
@DouweM I am not sure if we should do that. Ubuntu 12.04 comes with Redis 2.2. http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/misc/redis-server
It looks like EPEL for Centos/RHEL 6 has Redis 2.4. Better than what we get on Ubuntu 12.04 but not 2.6.
Reassigned to @jacobvosmaer
@jacobvosmaer I'm going to leave this for you to decide on.
@jacobvosmaer I think the cat is out of the bag already. The Sidekiq/Sidetiq modules already use 2.4 and 2.6-specific Redis commands. Not enforcing the right version means that users will run into undefined errors (as seen in #3649 (closed)).
I agree with Stan. If Sidekiq already uses it, I don't think we have much of a choice.
The only other option would be to maintain an own version of sidekiq without these dependencies until 2017.Also note that it's pretty easy to install redis 2.6 on ubuntu 12.04 if required.
There is a ppa here: https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/ubuntu/redis-server that contains the current version of redis
or you can install it from source: http://codingsteps.com/install-redis-2-6-on-ubuntu/ (we could wrap this into a shell script to make it even easier.)Added 94 commits:
2301e26a...a8e05cec - 93 commits from branch
- dfcc24c6 - Bump Redis requirement to 2.6 for PSETEX command in Sidetiq
2301e26a...a8e05cec - 93 commits from branch
mentioned in issue #3065 (closed)
Added 515 commits:
- dfcc24c6...3cf40548 - 514 commits from branch
- f2dbc62b - Bump Redis requirement to 2.8 for PSETEX command in Sidetiq
- dfcc24c6...3cf40548 - 514 commits from branch
@stanhu Would you mind removing the reference to "sidetiq" as we recently changed to sidekiq-cron?
You can mention the Sidekiq 4 requirements instead :)
@brodock Done! I think the upgrade guide should be a separate MR.
mentioned in merge request !2057 (merged)
mentioned in commit fb07f706
@stanhu, can we have "one more thing"? I feel we should suggest to install custom redis only when the supported platform doesn't provide minimum required version, what you think?
Added 165 commits:
- 815d7310...2947eda5 - 164 commits from branch
- d7bf0061 - Bump Redis requirement to 2.8 for Sidekiq 4 requirements
- 815d7310...2947eda5 - 164 commits from branch
@brodock Done!
Added 1 commit:
- 9c5d8079 - Bump Redis requirement to 2.8 for Sidekiq 4 requirements
mentioned in commit 10c22d70
Thanks @stanhu
Reassigned to @brodock
mentioned in merge request !2085 (merged)
mentioned in commit 63f58c49
mentioned in commit f67c6551