Raise hook url limit
- Up varchar url limit to 2000 chars instead 255
- Maybe migration?
- 255 characters - it is not enough
- nil
- nil
Merge request reports
Added 508 commits:
f1fc6fa2...57f7a4db - 507 commits from branch
- b0916c7e - Raise hook url limit
f1fc6fa2...57f7a4db - 507 commits from branch
Similar requested PR: https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/pull/9827
Can you rebase master?
Added 760 commits:
- b0916c7e...6f4ea679 - 759 commits from branch
- ff22c198 - Raise hook url limit
- b0916c7e...6f4ea679 - 759 commits from branch
@stanhu done
@bugagazavr Thanks, seems reasonable to me.
Reassigned to @dzaporozhets
I tend to think it's better to increase the length the field rather than go for a full
field as in !2289 (closed), but I'm open to arguments. This article seems to suggest 2000 is generally the upper limit that should be used:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/417142/what-is-the-maximum-length-of-a-url-in-different-browsers
Edited by Stan Huso, 2000 it's a random big number for me, but looks like it's a real url limit (lol)
I will not fundamentally is the text or string
Edited by username-removed-4609@bugagazavr can you please check CI? It looks like your fork has shared runners disabled
@dzaporozhets shared runners enabled, i disable it and enable again
Edited by username-removed-4609@bugagazavr awesome. Probably runners are just busy. Lets wait a bit
Added 47 commits:
- ff22c198...2479af4d - 46 commits from branch
- 4079b349 - Raise hook url limit
- ff22c198...2479af4d - 46 commits from branch
@stanhu The 2000 char limit is an issue with older browsers and most likely won't effect a web hook post. If a user sets up a webhook receiver that requires a longer URL I don't see why gitlab should prevent that. Since the url is the only place to pass arbitrary information to the receiver that seems likely to happen.
That said, 2000 chars is long enough for my needs right now and I would rather get this merged than nitpick.
Edited by username-removed-364579Added 63 commits:
- 4079b349...bcd2a09d - 62 commits from branch
- 8bbbd7c9 - Raise hook url limit
- 4079b349...bcd2a09d - 62 commits from branch
@dzaporozhets can you look to tests, looks like ci env requires libxml/libxslt
Edited by username-removed-4609Added 74 commits:
- 8bbbd7c9...b1539116 - 73 commits from branch
- da6c3b60 - Raise hook url limit
- 8bbbd7c9...b1539116 - 73 commits from branch
@bugagazavr Some runner issue. Does it pass locally for you?
Edited by username-removed-444@dzaporozhets nope i've got errors in rubocop, spinach, rspec, and all this errors not related with my commit
@bugagazavr yep. Maybe rebase from latest master?
Added 195 commits:
- da6c3b60...777771db - 194 commits from branch
- 46c620ba - Raise hook url limit
- da6c3b60...777771db - 194 commits from branch
@dzaporozhets rebased on latest master rubocop and rspec fails
@bugagazavr green now. Thank you!
mentioned in commit 513b4568
mentioned in commit 9a644c16
mentioned in merge request !2289 (closed)
mentioned in issue #1917 (closed)
Milestone changed to %8.9