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[WIP]display CSV files in table format

username-removed-121470 requested to merge bengood/gitlab-ce:csv-view into master


  • Display CSV files in table format. See screenshot below
  • Display diffs of CSV files in a tabular format. See screenshot below




git can be a great place to store small data for collaborative editing or because the data is closely related to a git repository and needs to be revision controlled with the rest of the project.


This merge request adds the daff gem from Daff performs the diff and also renders the diff in an HTML table format which complies with this standard

The blob view is also updated to show csv files in table format.


  • display CSV files in a table
  • display daff highlighted table diffs for CSV commits
  • add a selector switch on the commit page to allow CSV commits to be displayed as regular text diffs
  • detect large commits and don't show them by default but allow the user to run the diff if desired
  • Allow expanding tabular diffs to show the whole file including areas with no changes.

Merge request reports
