revert back to ruby 2.1
Revert Ruby 2.2 changes - until we solve
This also updates Ruby 2.1.7 to 2.1.8
Merge request reports
Omnibus reverted to 2.1.8 - Should the source version should also adapt to the same ruby version?
@razer6 As we used 2.1.7 in the past I reverted back to the same version. I doubt there would be any problems but just in case I preferred to stick to the same version we had... That also means "there's no change".
@jameslopez let's make it 2.1.8.
Would it make sense to flip our CI setup around so that 2.1 is the default for builds but we have some extra builds that do 2.2?
@jacobvosmaer ok then. I've updated the CI config to use 2.1 as default and commented out stuff so Ruby 2.2 wouldn't build. But I'm happy to do the extra builds for 2.2 as well...
@jameslopez I think we should keep an eye on whether we break 2.2 now that we know it to almost work.
@jacobvosmaer makes sense actually, I will do the flip
mentioned in merge request gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!1434 (merged)
@rymai this ideally should be picked ASAP. But let's wait for the build to be green...
@rymai @jameslopez it should be in 8.5.0.
@jacobvosmaer @jameslopez You got it, can't wait to pick this! :)
@jameslopez We need to push some dummy commit here :)
mentioned in merge request !2898 (merged)
@ayufan right.. will do! Thanks
👍 Added 1 commit:
- 0cf0c0df - dummy commit to trigger build
FYI I've re-opened it at !2898 (merged). We'll see which one succeeds first! ;)
thanks @rymai
👌 Should update the GitLab Development Kit docs as well.
Reassigned to @rymai
ah right. Thanks @connorshea
Let's close this in favor of !2898 (merged).