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Improve pipeline triggers UI

Kamil Trzcińśki requested to merge add-pipeline-triggers into master

What does this MR do?

This updates Pipeline Triggers to behave as described in:

The API, backend is done.


  • update "add trigger" and "edit trigger" forms and workflow

    • add placeholder text to input (as shown in design)

    • shouldn't need an "are you sure" confirmation to edit

    • should show the first several characters of the token on the edit page

  • update "revoke trigger" and "take ownership" workflows

    • add a more descriptive confirmation dialog than "are you sure?"
  • update trigger token list

    • should fit cleanly in the space available (maybe use flexbox?)

    • description should overflow with ellipsis and tooltip instead of wrapping

    • edit and revoke buttons should be made into icons

    • token should be truncated to show only 6 characters

    • should display "legacy" next to legacy tokens

    • should display "invalid" next to tokens for which the user doesn't exist

    • should display "invalid" next to tokens where user has insufficient permissions

    • "invalid" and "legacy" tags should should have appropriate tooltips

  • [ ] update build page sidebar

    • tokens should only show 6 characters
  • add test for "add trigger" workflow

    • should create a new token with current user as owner

    • description should match, also should not be allowed to be empty

  • add test for "edit trigger" workflow

    • should be able to view edit trigger page with trigger description

    • should update description and save trigger

  • add test for "take ownership" workflow

    • should work on legacy tokens

    • should work on non-legacy tokens

    • should work on "invalid" tokens

    • should not be available to non-master users

  • add test for "show tokens" page

    • should only show "take ownership" option for tokens which are not owned by you

    • should only show "edit" for non-legacy tokens

    • should only show tokens you own when non-master

    • should only show first few characters of the token

    • should display "legacy" next to legacy tokens

    • should display "invalid" next to tokens for which the user doesn't exist

    • should display "invalid" next to tokens where user has insufficient permissions


  • Unit tests,
  • Updated frontend,
  • Updated specs,
  • Documentation

Screenshots (if relevant)

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