Replace special character with true
What does this MR do?
Replaces special character in the URL when using the search function to prevent issues with firewalls etc.
Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?
None of this code is tested, it's just an indication of where to look. For more information see support ticket with title "Special characters in URL blocked by firewall"
Why was this MR needed?
GitLab generates a URL when using the search function which contains "utf8=✓". Our firewall (and presumably more firewalls out there) blocks this kind of characters. It would be nice to see a code change, changing this to "true" which should just work fine or provide an option to disable this behavior and use "normal" characters.
Screenshots (if relevant)
Not relevant, just 500 returned from our firewall.
Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?
Changelog entry added -
Documentation created/updated -
API support added - Tests
Added for this feature/bug -
All builds are passing
Conform by the merge request performance guides -
Conform by the style guides -
Branch has no merge conflicts with master
(if it does - rebase it please) -
Squashed related commits together
Probably doesn't meet the acceptance criteria, but our company would really like to see this option so we can use the search function.