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Fix the `Gitlab::Seeder` monkey patch to disable mail delivery

Robert Speicher requested to merge rs-dev-seed-time into master

At some point our Notify.deliver_later monkey patch stopped working, so during the dev:setup task we were actually processing emails for the relevant records that we created, including about 2,500 just for comments. Each email resulted in a file being written to disk for Letter Opener.

Before bundle exec rake dev:setup 1583.14s user 121.58s system 96% cpu 29:30.86 total
After bundle exec rake dev:setup 295.01s user 17.87s system 90% cpu 5:47.06 total

Note that the "After" includes two additional seeds not present for the "Before" run, 18_abuse_reports and 19_nested_groups, the latter of which isn't exactly speedy, so the difference is even more substantial.


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