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Make Docker Executor ARM compatible

Kamil Trzcińśki requested to merge provide-arm-image into master

During our testing of new Omnibus auto-scale infrastracture we were hit by a problem that GitLab Runner Docker executor doesn't work on ARM.

This makes it possible, by:

  1. Prepare separate prebuilt image for ARM (it inflates binary by 15MB). The image is based on scaleway/alpine,
  2. This also simplifies our image handling: we now build two images that are flattened which are then docker import'ed to Docker Engine (possibly this will solve the no-image errors that we see on external packages),
  3. The single image contains all helper scripts (see /dockerfiles/build)

This requires to have apt-get install binfmt-support qemu-user-static installed on builder machine.

@tmaczukin What do you think?

Download the standalone binaries

Download one of the packages for Debian or Ubuntu

Download one of the packages for RedHat or CentOS

cc @marin


Merge request reports