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Teach gitlab-workhorse to serve requests to get raw blobs

At Nexedi we do all our services via SlapOS and that means a lot of software is rebuilt constantly on a lot of machines. A software to build is defined just by URL and thus a lot of requests go to Git server constantly to get raw blob for software, e.g. like this:

Currently GitLab serves requests to get raw blobs via Ruby-on-Rails code and Unicorn. Because RoR/Unicorn is relatively heavyweight, in environment where there are a lot of simultaneous requests to get raw blobs, this works very slow and server is constantly overloaded.

On the other hand, to get raw blob content, we do not need anything from RoR framework - we only need to have access to project git repository on filesystem, and knowing whether access for getting data from there should be granted or not. That means it is possible to adjust Nginx frontend to route '.../raw/....' request to more lightweight and performant program which does this particular task and that will be a net win.

As gitlab-workhorse is written in Go, and Go has good concurrency/parallelism support and is generally much faster than Ruby, adding raw blob serving task to it makes sense.

Please find patches to do that attached.

The performance changes as follows:

(on a 8-CPU i7-3770S with 16GB of RAM, 2001:67c:1254:e:89::fa34 is on localhost)

# without patch: request eventually goes to unicorn  (9 unicorn workers)
$ ./wrk -c40 -d10 -t1 --latency http://[2001:67c:1254:e:89::fa34]:7777/root/slapos/raw/master/software/wendelin/software.cfg
Running 10s test @ http://[2001:67c:1254:e:89::fa34]:7777/root/slapos/raw/master/software/wendelin/software.cfg
  1 threads and 40 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev 
    Latency   609.34ms  156.92ms   1.18s    79.60%
    Req/Sec    64.22     19.90   120.00     67.00%
  Latency Distribution
     50%  596.50ms
     75%  678.23ms
     90%  805.72ms
     99%    1.04s 
  642 requests in 10.01s, 1.24MB read
Requests/sec:     64.16 
Transfer/sec:    127.00KB

# request goes to gitlab-workhorse with auth caching 
$ ./wrk -c40 -d10 -t1 --latency http://[2001:67c:1254:e:89::fa34]:7777/root/slapos/raw/master/software/wendelin/software.cfg
Running 10s test @ http://[2001:67c:1254:e:89::fa34]:7777/root/slapos/raw/master/software/wendelin/software.cfg
  1 threads and 40 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev 
    Latency    36.62ms   25.39ms 351.14ms   72.02%
    Req/Sec     1.16k    93.73     1.36k    77.00%
  Latency Distribution
     50%   36.30ms
     75%   47.02ms
     90%   66.36ms
     99%  122.46ms
  11580 requests in 10.01s, 20.56MB read
Requests/sec:   1156.85
Transfer/sec:      2.05MB

In other words it is ~ 17x improvement.

Thanks beforehand,

/cc @jacobvosmaer, @ayufan, @dzaporozhets

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