[META] Make it easier to discover and use EE features
We have only 2% of the people upgrading. Partially that is because CE is a great product and that will stay that way. But talking with users I've found 3 things:
- They are not aware of the features EE offers
- They are hesitant to swap out CE with EE
- They think the purchasing process is tedious (license per email, etc.).
The solution would be to:
- Make the EE download the default https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/issues/1336
- Give the EE download all the CE features when there is no subscription (EE subscriptionless) this is how it will run after you install it, there will be no nag screens, and no free trial prompts on installation
- Promote EE features in EE when there is no subscription ('Try LDAP group sync 30 days for free'), kinda grey out features and have a trial button there
- Have a free 30 day trial form in the product (only needs an email address and company information, no creditcard) but you don't have to activate the trial nor do you use it by default
- Have an EEP order screen in the product (after your trial expired, no license download needed, it works completely within the product)
Keeping in mind that:
- For people that just want the CE features (EE subscriptionless) there are no drawbacks, no nag screens, etc.
- We make it a single path: download => use as CE => see EEP feature => start trial => get EEP subscription. So no selection screen after you installed it, always go through a trial, and always EEP.
- When the trial expires your are prompted to purchase EEP but you can opt to revert back to CE features.
- When a subscription expires we have the same behaviour as currently when a subscription expires.
- Apart from that we have to see if we can make https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/update/README.html#from-community-edition-to-enterprise-edition simpler.
- If there is an EE starter feature that is hard to disable and that doesn't generate a lot of sales we can consider including this for free. This would be an additional benefit we can list. On the other hand it might be confusing.
- We might still prompt people to directly start a trial on https://about.gitlab.com/products/ and have them sign up first and download second.
Text on the download page or linked from the download page:
- The download of GitLab EE allows you to use all the features of GitLab CE without paying anything, registering anything, and without any time limit.
- By downloading EE you can activate EE functionality without having to reinstall GitLab. This is why we recommend downloading EE even if you're currently not interested in getting a trial or subscription for the EE functionality.
- If you want to test EE functionality you can request a 30 day trial for that without a credit card, if you don't like it you can revert to just using the CE functionality.
- All of the CE functionality in EE is MIT licensed.
- If you still prefer to use GitLab CE you can download that instead.
- EE Features in settings shown with greyed out text with a trial button or link
- Add an explanation the initial screen that you're using CE features right now, but never require an extra click, no interstitial.
- EE Features in rest of interface shown that way
Related Issues
GitLab CE features to work with unlicensed EE instance https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/2500
Free Trial license journey inside EE https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/2501
Change download experience on GitLab.com to just point at EE with a link for CE download instructions as a very secondary experience https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/issues/1336
Promote features to unlicensed users (gitlab-ee 9.5 timeframe, possibly over multiple releases depending on features. We had planned to do this with GitLab.com accounts too.) https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/2624