Licenses with explict plan: "" or plan: nil specifiers are not treated as EES
In GitLab 9.4, we introduced many new licensed addons. For EES customers with an older license that doesn't specify a plan explicitly, we set the default plan to be EES
, to ensure nobody lost access to any of their features. The implementation is in bbb67df4
During the 9.4.0rc2 deploy to, we noticed that many licensed features were missing -
Uploading a new license to fixed the problems there, but we weren't sure why the features we unlicensed, given the "default to EES" logic.
It turns out that if the license specifies plan: ""
- and maybe plan: nil
- in the serialized data, then the assumption of EES doesn't happen and the customer ( in this case!) loses access to those features!
Steps to reproduce
Insert into a GitLab EE instance and check License.current.plan
What is the current bug behavior?
It returns ""
What is the expected correct behavior?
It should return "starter"
Possible fixes
return STARTER_PLAN unless restricted_attr(:plan).present?