Prior to version 7.4, GitLab used a different syntax for configuring
LDAP integration. The old LDAP integration syntax still works but may be
removed in a future version. If your gitlab.rb or gitlab.yml file contains
LDAP settings in both the old syntax and the new syntax, only the old
syntax will be used by GitLab.
That sounds like fair warning, so maybe now we could change it to:
Prior to version 7.4, GitLab used a different syntax for configuring
LDAP integration. The old LDAP integration syntax does not work beginning with version 9.4.2. Before version 9.4.2, if your gitlab.rb or gitlab.yml file contains
LDAP settings in both the old syntax and the new syntax, only the old
syntax will be used by GitLab.
just upgraded to 9.5.0 expecting EE to finally be repaired but still no luck. Can this issue be re-opened? Do I really need to reformat the gitlab.rb to embed yaml config for LDAP ?