I'm not seeing this on hover, but I can recreate it by focusing on the element with TAB. For buttons and links we don't override the outline on focus.
The contrast of #eee against #fff is only 1.16. We don't have clear guidance on accessibility but I think the browser outline can be of help here. What do you think @sarrahvesselov?
Edit: To make it clear, I'm talking about focus state. I don't think we should have the outline on focus.
Edit: To make it clear, I'm talking about focus state. I don't think we should have the outline on focus.
I'm sorry @cperessini, this actually made me more confused
So, you are saying that we do not want the outline on 'Focus' but that you think it may be helpful to have the outline when users 'Hover', am I right?
Currently, I cannot replicate this on 'Hover', only by using tab to 'Focus' on the dropdown item. I tried using both Safari and Chrome on Mac. Can you confirm this is the case @psimyn? If so, we should change the description.
I meant to say 'I don't think we should have the outline on hover'. Sorry for the confusion @sarrahvesselov!
I believe some users with accessibility needs use the TAB key to cycle through the elements in a page because they rely on the browser outline to tell them which element is being selected. I thought I read that somewhere, but I'm not sure if that is actually the case. It may just be a false notion that's formed in my head.
I believe some users with accessibility needs use the TAB key to cycle through the elements in a page because they rely on the browser outline to tell them which element is being selected.
Most other dropdowns don't have the outline on focus. We are still a bit inconsistent though, e.g.
I think there is supposed to be a distinction between Select and Dropdown items. Select items can not be tabbed to (you use up/down arrows). Dropdown items are links/buttons and can be tabbed to (but only have tabindex when dropdown is open)