We want to continue reducing friction and abstract away git details for developers as they collaborate on code, so that their focus is on their actual work, and not the overhead of tools and git minutiae. In the merge request workflow, rebasing may be necessary before merging for two merge request methods (merge commit with semi-linear history and fast-forward merge) (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/411). In particular, currently users can click a button to rebase (if the system detects it's necessary), before the merge button is displayed.
If you click the button, the system attempts to rebase for you, and if successful, the merge button is shown. There are two steps here that can be combined into one, because computers are good at automating things.
For the two merge request methods (merge commit with semi-linear history and fast-forward merge), offer the ability to rebase and merge in a single action.
Note: For below, strikethrough indicates existing functionality that will be removed and bold indicates new functionality.
No pipeline exists (No GitLab CI set up)
MR needs a rebase
MR is non-rebaseable
Merge button, and an error after clicking the button
Access to source branch: Rebase locally button that shows instructions (button; instructions modal) If rebase succeeds, show message “Ready to be merged automatically. Ask someone with write access to this repository to merge this request.”
No access to source branch: No buttons, only message to ask MR author to rebase locally (message)
MR is rebaseable
Access to only source branch: Rebase button (rebase) If rebase succeeds, show message “Ready to be merged automatically. Ask someone with write access to this repository to merge this request.”
Access to source AND target branch: Merge and Rebase only buttons. Merge will auto-rebase+merge immediately. (merge or rebase only) If Rebase only, after it succeeds, show Merge button.
No access to source branch: No buttons, only message to ask MR author to rebase (message)
MR does not need a rebase
Merge button
Pipeline running
MR needs a rebase
MR is non-rebaseable
Merge button, and an error after clicking the button
Access to source branch: Rebase locally button that shows instructions (button; instructions modal) If rebase succeeds, show message “Ready to be merged automatically. Ask someone with write access to this repository to merge this request.”
No access to source branch: No buttons, only message to ask MR author to rebase locally (message)
MR is rebaseable
Access to only source branch: Rebase button (rebase) If rebase succeeds, show message “Ready to be merged automatically. Ask someone with write access to this repository to merge this request.”
Access to source AND target branch: Merge (blue button) and Rebase only buttons. Merge will auto-rebase+merge immediately. (merge or rebase only) If Rebase only, after it succeeds, show Merge (blue) and Merge when pipeline succeeds (orange) buttons.
No access to source branch: No buttons, only message to ask MR author to rebase (message)
Not in scope: Merge when pipeline succeeds button (blue) that will auto-rebase+merge when pipeline succeeds
MR does not need a rebase
Merge when pipeline succeeds button (blue)
Merge button (orange) to merge immediately
Pipeline passed
Same as 1. No pipeline exists, above
Pipeline failed
Pending discussion
Original description (with some images removed to save space)
Original description
We have different Merge Request merge strategies:
Merge commit
Merge commit with semi-linear history
Fast-forward merge
At the moment we have two issues on GitLab about the last two merge strategies.
1. First problem: rebase before merging
As @dblessingpointed out, in most cases we need to rebase before merging. This leads to the screenshot below, where we need to rebase before being able to merge. Users shouldn’t have to always click on Rebase, then Merge. There is one useless action here.
2. Second problem: voting on a merge requests
The second problem comes with our approval feature, i.e. when a MR requires votes to be merged. At the moment, if the MR has been approved and a rebase occurs after that, the approvals are reset and people have to approve the MR again. It’s unnecessary.
Our goal with this feature is to simplify the merging process.
Change the flow for Merging a MR in the case where the project’s merging strategy is set to either Merge commit with semi-linear history or Fast-forward merge:
If we detect that a rebase is necessary when the page loads, we should mention that we will rebase automatically before merging once the Accept Merge Request button is clicked.
Rebase should happen behind the scene automatically after we click on the Merge button.
If there are no errors during rebase, we apply the merge and go through the normal flow after that.
Approval strategy. If the MR has an approval strategy in place:
Same as now: it’s still not possible to click on the Accept Merge Request button if the number of approvals necessary for merging is not reached.
Same as now: if a user rebases from the CLI and pushes the changes to the MR, we should reset the approvals.
Different from now: in the UI, when clicking on the Accept Merge Request button, if a rebase is necessary, this rebasing should not reset the approvals.
The old flow was: Approvals → Click on Rebase → Approvals again → Click on Merge → MR merged.
The new flow is: Approvals → Click on Merge → (Automatic rebase, then Merge operation behind the scenes) → MR merged.
The second problem comes with our approval feature, i.e. when a MR requires votes to be merged. At the moment, if the MR has been approved and a rebase occurs after that, the approvals are reset and people have to approve the MR again. It's unnecessary.
This could be tricky. If we're temporarily relaxing the constraint that the branch reference remain the same when considering the branch "approved", we could open ourselves to some security issues. We need to be careful that there isn't any sort of race condition whereby one could squeeze in an extra commit during this window and avoid having to get their changes re-approved. Can we "lock" the repository branch during the rebase action? Or could we do the rebase using SHA references instead of branch names, and then atomically set the branch ref back to the resulting SHA afterword?
For instance, if the sequence were:
# target_branch (ref: 1a2b3c4d) currently marked as approved$ git checkout target_branchSwitched to branch 'target_branch'$ git rebase masterFirst, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...Applying: ...$ git rev_parse target_branchdd00bfd4ed0052cb2bc2abe9fa9b8aeb9ce33d14# target_branch (ref: dd00bfd4) marked as approved
One could perform a push and change the branch reference for target_branch right before git checkout or in between git rebase and git rev_parse and inject whatever they want. Now, I'm not sure how gitlab-git does these operations internally, so perhaps the git rebase is more explicit and doesn't require a separate rev_parse to identify the resulting SHA. If my understanding here is a bit naive please correct me.
Also, my questions in #896 could be echoed here. Assuming "remove source branch" is unchecked, is the source branch itself modified during a "rebase-and-merge", or is the rebase done in some temporary space leaving the source branch untouched?
If we detect that a rebase is necessary when the page loads, we should mention
that we will rebase automatically before merging once the Accept Merge Request
button is clicked.
This should be fine as long as the check is performed asynchronously. Doing this
in the same request as the one used for loading the page can slow this down too
Rebase should happen behind the scene automatically after we click on the Merge button.
If an error occurs during rebase, we go through our new Resolve merge conflicts feature.
If there are no errors during rebase, we apply the merge and go through the normal flow after that.
No problems here, we can for the most part reuse what we already have.
Approval strategy. If the MR has an approval strategy in place:
No problems here either.
Regarding branch locking, we have the ability to mark a branch as protected
which prevents pushing to it. When hitting the merge button we could mark a
branch as protected, do all the things we need to do, then remove the
protection. This may not be a bad idea in general because right now I think you
can actually push during a merge and if your timing is right sneak in extra
Marking a branch as protected is a cheap operation (= inserting a row into the
DB) so it should not pose any performance problems.
Here's the UI proposal for this. @regisF's wireframes are spot on, so there's not much I can contribute to improving them:
Rephrased notice to read “source branch” instead of simply “branch”
Rephrased ongoing operations to “Rebasing…” instead of “Rebasing to master”
Added branch reference formatting for masterbranch
Related controls should be disabled while rebasing and merging (“Remove source branch” and “Modify commit message”)
Can we change “Operation 1 of 2” to “Step 1 of 2”? It's shorter and less “machine-speaking”
Edit: Actually, what if it reads “rebase this branch” instead of “rebase source branch”? And “Remove source branch” reads “Remove this branch”? Too much simplification?
There's not much I can do here until we have a ~Backend developer assigned to this feature. The frontend work is pretty light and it will mostly rely on knowing how the backend will asynchronously communicate with the frontend as it progresses. I also think there are a few implementation details that need to be ironed out:
If an error occurs during rebase, we go through our new Resolve merge conflicts feature.
So, the user won't know if they're going to be sent off to resolve rebase conflicts until after they click the button? Is there a way to detect if there will be conflicts before the user attempts to rebase? I prefer how this is handled with merge conflicts, where you are explicitly clicking on "resolve these conflicts" to kick off the feature.
@yorickpeterse could you comment on the feasibility here?
Resolving rebase conflicts is a very different beast compared to resolving merge conflicts, so I don't think we can just drop-in the same code here. Since rebasing entails starting at the head of the target branch and "replaying" each commit from the source branch one at a time, we can potentially run into conflicts with any given commit as we step through each commit in order. The main complication here is that, unlike resolving merge conflicts, this is not all done in a single step. It will require a temporary work state to be maintained in the backend while the rebase is in progress. Every time a conflict occurs, the rebase is paused and the user is prompted to resolve it. We have to consider all of the edge cases here. What happens when a user abandons a rebase in progress? What if they get two conflicts in and decide to abort? What if we get into the type of conflict resolution that simply picking "use yours" or "use theirs" won't fix?
Approval strategy. If the MR has an approval strategy in place:
Same as now: it's still not possible to click on the Accept Merge Request button if the number of approvals necessary for merging is not reached.
Same as now: if a user rebases from the CLI and pushes the changes to the MR, we should reset the approvals.
Different from now: in the UI, when clicking on the Accept Merge Request button, if a rebase is necessary, this rebasing should not reset the approvals.
I think this is fine as long as we don't run into conflicts while rebasing. Once we start making changes to the source branch via rebase conflicts I think approvals should be reset.
We still haven't settled how forked repos are handled. In the case of a forked repo branch, we may have a situation where the owner of the fork has permission to rebase the source but does not have permission to merge into target, and the person trying to merge the branch may have permission to merge into the target branch, but not have permission to rebase the source branch (since that would require having commit access on the fork, which he/she doesn't own). Should the branch be checked out locally into a temporary space to perform the rebase + merge, or should these situations just require resolution the old way?
One way I see to resolve this is akin to the "delete branch after merge" checkbox. When you check this, you're essentially giving the person who merges the branch permission to reach into your fork and delete your branch. Perhaps we can have a checkbox for a similar abdication of branch permissions for rebasing?
@mikegreiling Regarding detection, we may be able to do so but I think this would be a rather expensive process. It's certainly not something you want to run every time somebody views a merge request. There's also the possibility of a conflict occurring during a rebase (that is, after you check the status on a MR page but before you hit the button).
As it was already mentioned the rebase conflicts differ from the merge conflicts. We have nothing to resolve the rebase conflicts with UI so I propose always ask to rebase manually if there are some conflicts.
@mikegreiling apologies if this was clarified before with Yorick and Valery's comments, but: rebase conflicts are way more complicated to check, because you can have a conflict in a rebase when you wouldn't in a merge. I think if we hit a conflict when rebasing that wasn't detected beforehand, we should just abort and show the manual message.
@awhildy : Adding @pedroms to the meeting. Feel free to both attend or just one of you. We definitely need UX representation. But don't want to take too much of your time if it's not necessary.
We need to remove the part about notifying in the case of failure - @pedroms.
We also shouldn't show the steps as it's a transactional thing, so you're never in an intermediate state.
We will remove the existing two-step process so that this can only ever be performed by people who can accept the MR. This means that an MR can't be rebased to just affect the source branch - we can add this back later if needed.
We will do the same as squashing - this never updates the source branch, only the target branch.
We will perform a rebase-ability check in the case of the last two merge methods (semi-linear and fast-forward), instead of our current merge check. This will cherry-pick the commits in sequence from the source branch to the target branch, and fail if any of those cherry-picks fail. This may be tricky with merge commits. If there is only commit in the MR diff, or we are squashing, we can just do the merge check as now.
We need to express this to the user: if the rebase-ability check fails, you can only accept the MR if you either a) squash or b) rebase manually on your local machine. That means that we'd still show the accept button, but it would only work for the squash.
I don't think the second screenshot is quite right, because it's far too subtle that we will be squashing the commit. In addition to that, that case is only possible if the rebase-ability check fails but the merge check passes. I wonder if we should just show instructions to rebase manually if this check fails, even if the MR is squashable, and leave this for a later iteration. What do you think? /cc @victorwu
The third screenshot also looks good, is that an existing modal or do we need to create a new one based off the merge instructions modal?
Do you consider that squashing commits could be an undesirable action in some scenarios? In other words, do you think that rebasing is considered harmless and doesn't need a warning tone, and squashing can be considered harmful and needs a warning tone? E.g.:
The third screenshot is a new one based off the existing local merge instructions modal.
@pedroms I think it's a warning if the 'squash commits' checkbox wasn't already checked. That's why this is confusing, and that's why I'd rather the leave it out of this iteration
We currently have a merge check. We want to add a rebase check, because it's possible that an MR can be merged, but cannot be rebased (as one commit adds a conflict that is resolved by a later commit - for instance, if you used our resolve conflicts feature).
So we'll add this rebase check and show it if the MR cannot be rebased before accepting, rather than have the stand-alone rebase button like we do now.
However, if you squash the MR into a single commit, then if the merge check passed, we can accept the MR even if the rebase would fail, because the squash won't have that conflict at an intermediate commit. But you can only accept it if you squash. This is the case you're designing for above.
I think we should just show the not-rebaseable message in this case and try to handle that case in future. Technically, it isn't too complicated, but as you can see, it is potentially very confusing!
Hey, it's vital to rerun the CI after the rebase and before the merge IMO. Logical conflicts can break the build without having a git conflict and this happened multiple times already for teams I have worked with. One of the main points of a fast-forward only workflow is to have CI already done for the commit that master is fastforwarded to, if you auto rebase and merge it you take this away and make it almost as bad as a merge workflow.
Yes, rebase, reapprove, merge after pipeline succeeds. I think gitlab already shows the new commits introduced due to the rebase, those are important for the reapproval so we can check wether any of this might logically conflict.
OK, so in that case we definitely shouldn't do this:
We will remove the existing two-step process so that this can only ever be performed by people who can accept the MR. This means that an MR can't be rebased to just affect the source branch - we can add this back later if needed.
i.e. we need to support both workflows. Thanks for commenting, I'm really glad I didn't make this much worse for you.
It's not, a rebase should reset the approvals (and you have a setting for that which allows being strict about that or not ). The point of that issue (and maybe this discussion should happen over there if it goes on) is that I should be able to first rebase, then review and approve because the rebase (just as a merge) is a change that can break things. One less review needed.
If a rebase is required and possible, let you do that either in a one-step process with the merge, or as a separate step.
If you can't merge for some other reason (for instance, you haven't approved the MR), but you need a rebase anyway, we should still show the button and let you do it as a separate step.
If a rebase is required and not possible, we show the error as per the designs.
So the big change here is to make the existing rebase button stay, and actually be present more often. This ties into the MR widget redesign stuff. Any thoughts?
Thanks @smcgivern . Thanks for getting auto squash through for 8.16. I think at the outset we were pessimistic we would get anything completed for 8.16. So getting squash in is a win!
I'm fine with the proposed design in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/895#note_21371073 as you've described. This way we actually don't regress in functionality right? We still get to rebase as existing functionality, regardless of the situation.
Hey btw. potential corner case that you might have already thought about: if I push that rebase and merge button at two merge requests the need to be rebased sequentially!
If a rebase is required and possible, let you do that either in a one-step process with the merge, or as a separate step.
I guess that would be something like the image below. Should we also support the case for “Rebase and merge when pipeline succeeds”? Also, who can perform the rebase (I got lost in this discussion)?
If you can't merge for some other reason (for instance, you haven't approved the MR), but you need a rebase anyway, we should still show the button and let you do it as a separate step.
I'm having trouble creating an unapproved MR, but maybe it's just a matter of disabling the Rebase and merge button? Furthermore, we can enhance it with a tooltip so users can understand why it's disabled.
@smcgivern@sils would it make sense to have a project setting to choose between allowing either auto-rebase and merge (1-step) or rebase and then merge (2-steps)? I'm basically trying to simplify the UI so we don't have two buttons. According to @sils's prior comment, the need to rebase and merge separately seems to be a project/team decision. Let me know if I got this wrong
This is more or less correct. We might be able to simplify it to the first case reasonably, if you show the new commits that will be rebased upon nicely. Then I as a reviewer will be able to decide if that rebase will break anything logically and just let the machine do the work, that'd be ideal for both cases I think.
We're currently looking into ditching Gerrit to due the pain or rebasing+merging multiple commits, I was directed to this issue by your sales people and I think it's on the right track but can be done better. Unless I misunderstood the description in the beginning.
We re-run tests after rebase since commits sometimes are affected by recently merged commits.
As I understand this proposal the workflow would be:
Mark patch p1 for rebase+merge, it's rebased
tests run
p1 is automatically merged
Mark patch p2 for rebase+merge, it's rebased onto p1
tests run
p2 is automatically merged
Mark patch p3 for rebase+merge, it's rebased onto p2
tests run
p3 is automatically merged
But this is what I'd like:
Mark p1, p2, p3 for rebase+merge. Either in one action or three clicks in a row, doesn't matter.
tests for p1 is run and pass
p1 is merged
Attemptes automatic rebase of p2 onto p1, it fails so it's reported as needs manual rebase and is skipped for now
Attempts automatic rebase of p3 onto p1, it succeeds
I guess that would be something like the image below. Should we also support the case for “Rebase and merge when pipeline succeeds”? Also, who can perform the rebase (I got lost in this discussion)?
Yes, definitely. I assume we'd use the same dropdown button as we do elsewhere, although that's a really long title. There is an ordering problem here, too, which I'll get to in a bit - see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/1230.
Anyone who can push to the source branch can perform a rebase.
I'm having trouble creating an unapproved MR, but maybe it's just a matter of disabling the Rebase and merge button? Furthermore, we can enhance it with a tooltip so users can understand why it's disabled.
You need to enable approvals in project settings, but I think there was a bug about the ordering of those options that is now fixed in master. I think your design makes sense, but it does go away from the 'one primary action' available on an MR that we have at the moment.
@mikael.modin.foreseeti thanks for your thoughts! I think we have a real conflict here between two types of user, or workflow:
Those who, once a merge request is ready, just want to get it in the target branch as soon as possible.
Those who, once a merge request is reviewed, want accepting it into the target branch to run through all the checks in order, so that they can be as confident is possible that this change is what they want.
(This is a slight tangent, but I think this is a way to think of https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/21947 - some people want to resolve conflicts while merging, while others want to resolve conflicts and then review, run tests, etc. again.)
That's a long-winded way of saying that I think your proposal is reasonable, but I think other people will disagree with it
One problem I do see is with the rebase + merge when pipeline succeeds case. In your second example, what would happen if between 6 and 7, the p3 needed another rebase?
Would we rebase again, and run the pipeline again, and set merge when pipeline succeeds again?
Would we just fail to merge, and create a todo for the author of the MR and the user who set MWPS?
Would we rebase again, but not run the pipeline again, and just merge immediately?
I think a lot of people will be expecting 3, but I agree with you that that has negative implications for correctness. I wonder if 2 is the best compromise here. What do you think? cc @victorwu
Anyone who can push to the source branch can perform a rebase.
I'm a bit confused as to who can do what. Initially, I thought we were going to do it so that only people that have merge access to the target branch could do the rebase+merge. But maybe I'm just mixing the concepts, so please feel free to direct me on this.
My perception right now in terms of permissions is:
If the user has access to both the source and target branches, he has the option to Merge or MWPS, and we show a message similar to: “A rebase is required An automatic rebase will happen when merging. To do it separately, rebase only”
If the user only has access to the target branch, he has the option to Merge or MWPS and we show a message similar to: “A rebase is required An automatic rebase will happen when merging. To rebase only, ask @MR_author to rebase the source branch onto the target branch.”
If the user only has access to the source branch, he has the option to Rebase and we show a message similar to: “A rebase is required To allowed this request to be merged, rebase the source branch onto the target branch”
If the MR is not FF-able, create a todo and cancel the merge when pipeline succeeds status.
@mikael.modin.foreseeti thanks for your thoughts! I think we have a real conflict here between two types of user, or workflow:
Those who, once a merge request is ready, just want to get it in the target branch as soon as possible.Those who, once a merge request is reviewed, want accepting it into the target branch to run through all the checks in order, so that they can be as confident is possible that this change is what they want.
Ah yes, that's two different ways of working and we're more of the second type.
(This is a slight tangent, but I think this is a way to think of gitlab-ce#21947 - some people want to resolve conflicts while merging, while others want to resolve conflicts and then review, run tests, etc. again.)
That's a long-winded way of saying that I think your proposal is reasonable, but I think other people will disagree with it
Fair enough, I accept their right to have the wrong opinion ;)
A bit more serious, should I consider this to be more of the first usage case? (get it in the target branch asap)
I don't see a good way of reconciling the differences between the two workflows so they might need slightly different UI. Or am I missing something?
One problem I do see is with the rebase + merge when pipeline succeeds case. In your second example, what would happen if between 6 and 7, the p3 needed another rebase?
Would we rebase again, and run the pipeline again, and set merge when pipeline succeeds again?Would we just fail to merge, and create a todo for the author of the MR and the user who set MWPS?Would we rebase again, but not run the pipeline again, and just merge immediately?
I think a lot of people will be expecting 3, but I agree with you that that has negative implications for correctness. I wonder if 2 is the best compromise here. What do you think?
My main point is to eliminate manual steps so 1 would be best, but 3 would be acceptable.
The way I envision this is a pipeline, so when one commit is going through rebase-tests-merge the next(say p4) won't start until p3 has been merged, so there should not be a rebase needed between 6 and 7.
@pedroms that's an excellent point, and one I'd completely missed. Indeed, you need access to both the source and the target branch to be able to rebase and merge. I think your options are correct to what we'd discussed before, but the 'pipeline success' part is a small problem - we'll need a temporary hidden ref for this on the backend, to keep the rebased HEAD that is building a pipeline, but then we wouldn't show the correct status in the MR.
So, contrary to what I said before, I think we should only allow rebase and merge for people with access to both branches. If you have only access to the source branch, you can rebase but not merge. If you have only access to the target branch, you can merge but not rebase. That is the safest option. (This is also the reason I haven't updated for a SSOT - I'm sorry about that, but this is more complicated than I thought, and I want to think it through.)
@mikael.modin.foreseeti I'm leaning towards my second option there - if the MR cannot be merged because the pipeline failed or it needs another rebase, just fail and create a todo for the author and the person who clicked the merge button.
This is because it's the most conservative option, and I think both groups of people will be least-unhappy with it
@smcgivern great, thank you for going through this again. And I agree with you, this is not simple and gets confusing sometimes.
Ok, let's keep this focused on the ideal scenario for rebase and merge: you must have access to both branches. That said, does it make sense to create an issue for a future iteration of this feature where we would solve rebase and merge if you only have access to the target branch? (Just making sure we don't lose anything. Feel free to say no.)
If you have only access to the target branch, you can merge but not rebase. — @smcgivern
So if a rebase is required, the user must ask the MR author (or anyone else with access to the source branch) to rebase. Only after that can the merge proceed — correct?
@pedroms your last paragraph is correct, and I believe that this maps to how this feature works already
That said, does it make sense to create an issue for a future iteration of this feature where we would solve rebase and merge if you only have access to the target branch? (Just making sure we don't lose anything. Feel free to say no.)
I think we should wait for people to request it. For people using this workflow, it might not be an issue!
@smcgivern@victorwu In the updated description I've added a few mockups with the following message:
To allow this request to be merged, ask mr-author to rebase it
The idea here was to be specific as to what person you can/should contact. However, there may be other people who have access to the source branch, besides the MR author. Do you prefer the above example or the following?
To allow this request to be merged, ask someone with write access to the source branch to rebase it
@pedroms I prefer the second. Don't forget that even an MR author might not have access to the source branch, just the ability to create MRs in the project! (You can create an MR between any two branches.)
@smcgivern : You mean you removed it from 9.0 right? Okay then let's focus on other stretch issues in 9.0 when we get to them. Tentatively let's schedule it for 9.1 deliverable.
@pedroms I didn't read through this entire thread but it looks like the ux might be done here? Can we move to UX ready or is there still more to work on?
@victorwu Eek. I'm disappointed the 'next 2-3 months' milestone has vanished from this issue. Do you think this could be reconsidered please?
I can provide some more background; this is a really frustrating issue in GitlabEE - the problem is not that we have to press the rebase button and then the merge button. The problem is that we have to press 'merge', then wait 'a while' (sometimes minutes). Sometimes on completion of the rebase the screen updates to say 'The branch head has changed, you need to reload the page'. Sometimes that doesn't happen, so we have to optimistically hit reload a few times until the rebase has actually finished. Sometimes the engineer gets distracted during this process and comes back to find no matter how much they reload gitlab still says a rebase is required - either someone else got a commit merged in the meantime (in which case back to the start of the process) or the rebase failed (in which case gitlab doesn't actually let you that or which file was the issue). Then, if your luck is in, you can actually hit the 'Merge' button.
I can't understate how much smoother this process would be if the button was 'Rebase & merge'!
This has been really frustrating for our team lately. Even though we only have two developers on our current project, is still a pain. Every time a MR is merged, every open MR needs to be rebased. This then kicks off our Jenkins pipeline flow again.