MergeRequest#number_of_potential_approvers doesn't exclude blocked users
Similarly to gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#21650, it seems that blocked users are note excluded from MergeRequest#number_of_potential_approvers
def number_of_potential_approvers
has_access = ['access_level > ?', Member::REPORTER]
wheres = [
"id IN (#{})",
"id IN (#{project.members.where(has_access).select(:user_id).to_sql})"
wheres << "id IN (#{})"
User.where("(#{wheres.join(' OR ')}) AND id NOT IN (#{}) AND id != #{}").count
Simple fix is to change the last line to:
User.where(state: :active).where("(#{wheres.join(' OR ')}) AND id NOT IN (#{}) AND id != #{}").count
This is a very minor security issue since the worst-case scenario would be that the MR gets 'stuck' in a state where it can't be approved since we think there are enough approvers when there are not (e.g. we require 2 approvals but the project has only a developer and a blocked developer).
/cc @nick.thomas