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Burndown Charts

username-removed-636429 requested to merge 91-milestone-burndown-charts into master

Screen Shots

Help box Milestone in progress
help-box burndown-chart

Tooltips/Animation/Sidebar in action:


Instructions for reviewer:

Seed burndown chart data with the following command:

rake db:seed_fu FILTER=burndown

You should then see a milestone starting with something like "Sprint - lorem ipsum ...". This should contain enough issues with weight to demonstrate the milestone chart. You can adjust the milestone start and due date to see how it would show an in-progress milestone.

To Do (frontend):

  • create burndown chart empty state when no start/due date defined
  • implement basic chart layout in d3
  • add "ideal" line to graph
  • add "actual" line using test data sample
  • make chart responsive to window resize
  • make chart responsive to animated right sidebar open/close toggle
  • add header
  • add chart legend
  • add y-axis label
  • update to use database-fed data instead of hard coded test data (once BE component is finished)
  • code optimizations


  • add tooltips
  • add toggle to view issue weight

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #91 (closed)

Merge request reports