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Add ES lint support to identify poorly written Promises

kushalpandya requested to merge ee-27486-eslint-promises into master

What does this MR do?

Enables ESLint to check if Promises are written correctly using eslint-plugin-promise. This MR is an EE port for

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

  • This MR only enables catch-or-return rule of the linter which identifies missing .catch() from all Promises.
  • This Linter plugin doesn't support jQuery Deferreds (where we have .fail() instead of .catch()), so it requires to be disabled for such cases.

Why was this MR needed?

Currently we have no static analysis in place to identify poorly written Promises (examples for the same can be found here), while our Promise polyfill will complain for Promises without catch() callback, it can be identified only when karma tests are run, and those complaints do not lead to Karma test failure, though. Using ESLint to identify such problems ensures we never have unhandled Promise errors into production code. 🙂




What are the relevant issue numbers?

Merge request reports