- Expand EE license use for development and testing
1 unresolved thread
1 unresolved thread
This is to allow developers rights to the EE code.
Edited by Jamie Hurewitz
Merge request reports
added 1 commit
- 2ae49225 - Update LICENSE to expand development and testing rights
assigned to @jschatz1
mentioned in commit ad98fb1f
/cc @godfat
Thanks @jhurewitz!
7 https://about.gitlab.com/terms/#subscription (the “EE Terms”), and otherwise 8 have a valid GitLab Enterprise Edition subscription for the correct number of 9 user seats. Subject to the foregoing sentence, you are free to modify this 10 Software and publish patches to the Software. You agree that GitLab and/or its 11 licensors (as applicable) retain all right, title and interest in and to all 12 Software incorporated in such modifications and/or patches, and all such 13 Software may only be used, copied, modified, displayed, distributed, or 14 otherwise exploited with a valid GitLab Enterprise Edition subscription for the 15 correct number of user seats. Subject to the foregoing, it is forbidden to 16 copy, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell the Software. 5 used in production, if you (and any entity that you represent) have agreed to, 6 and are in compliance with, the GitLab Subscription Terms of Service, available 7 at https://about.gitlab.com/terms/#subscription (the “EE Terms”), or other 8 agreement governing the use of the Software, as agreed by you and GitLab, 9 and otherwise have a valid GitLab Enterprise Edition subscription for the c 10 orrect number of user seats. Subject to the foregoing sentence, you are free to @godfat Thank you for catching that. Should I make that change?
Edited by Jamie Hurewitz@jhurewitz Yes please, but since this is already merged, we need another merge request.
@jhurewitz Thank you!
added license label
changed milestone to %10.1
mentioned in commit 27c9c5e9
mentioned in merge request !2927 (merged)
@godfat yes thank you for catching that.
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