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Allow membership override when using LDAP group sync

Backend part of #343 (closed)

Adds an ldap and override attribute to Member so we can track which members are managed by LDAP and if/when they're overridden.

  • Member#ldap? will tell you whether it's an LDAP member
  • Member#override should be set to true if someone adds an override. Sync will then ignore it, until Member#override is set back to false.

Performance testing

All tests resulted in approximately 119,000 total members being created.

  • 19 minutes - An 'update' sync (where all members already existed) updating the ldap flag once.
  • 79 minutes - A full, fresh sync before changes
  • 76 minutes - A full, fresh sync after changes

Although the before time was actually higher than the after time, I think there's a standard deviation in there that accounts for it. The important thing is that it's not drastically different.

Merge request reports