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WIP: Upgrade shipped PostgreSQL to 9.6.2

This release contains a variety of fixes from 9.6.1. For information about new features in the 9.6 major release, see Section E.3.

A dump/restore is not required for those running 9.6.X.

No dump/restore is required during this update.

Procedure after upgrading the package

However, if your installation has been affected by the bug described in the first changelog entry below, then after updating you may need to take action to repair corrupted indexes.

Fix a race condition that could cause indexes built with CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY to be corrupt (Pavan Deolasee, Tom Lane)

If CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY was used to build an index that depends on a column not previously indexed, then rows updated by transactions that ran concurrently with the CREATE INDEX command could have received incorrect index entries. If you suspect this may have happened, the most reliable solution is to rebuild affected indexes after installing this update.

We need to add any code to build indecies as there is CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY-equivalent Rails schema code add_index :foo, :bar, algorithm: :concurrently in gitlab-ce/gitlab-ee.

Closes #1969 (closed)

Merge request reports