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Geo PostgreSQL tracking database

Gabriel Mazetto requested to merge 1977-geo-postgres-tracking-database into master
  • adds geo-postgresql service for EE only packages
  • uses only Postgres 9.6 for the new service - we decided to fallback to omnibus regular behavior (it will use current version from clients, but as in 9.0 we will force upgrade to 9.6, we will be using it because it will be the current, not because we've pinned and specific version).
  • to enable the service with it's defaults, just : geo_postgresql['enable'] = true
  • database tuning to use less resource (we probably need someone from Infrastructure to review)
  • haven't touched much on the regular features postgres has, so it has support for "everything" our original postgres has (if we want to disable anything I think we can do in another merge-request)
  • gitlab-rails specific changes for Geo Tracking database is out of scope of this MR (it's already hard to review postgres only, so this will come in next MR).
  • broke down the helper.rb file containing multiple classes and modules in its own files. To prevent big rewrite it requires all of them so no other change is required in the application. We can in the future also split the spec into their own files to improve the paralelization capability from knapsack.

Closes #1977 (closed)

Merge request reports