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Update LDAP SSL settings

username-removed-1144264 requested to merge update-ldap-ssl-settings into master


This must be merged at the same time as It is planned to be released with GitLab 9.4.

Why was this needed?

  • ca_cert and ssl_version options were added
  • method was renamed to encryption
  • Encryption method values ssl and tls were renamed for clarity.


I didn't modify default.rb because it doesn't make sense to have a default LDAP server configuration (and there isn't already one that I could add to).

Also, the main example configuration in the doc specifies no encryption (as it should), so I didn't add the new SSL options to the example. The example comment already links to gitlab.yml.example, which describes the SSL options.

However, I am open to syncing this example with gitlab.yml.example (there are other keys missing from this doc). Thoughts?

Edited by username-removed-1144264

Merge request reports