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[WIP] Add Hubot as a chat-ops bot

Related to Wishlist:

Software to ship in the Omnibus packages

Lita or another chat-ops bot

I started working on adding Hubot in the omnibus package. I'm opening the MR here to gather some feedback on the actual choice.

WHy Hubot ?

  • Hubot was written for Github by Github and is widely used since then.
  • It has a very active community and many users
  • Is supported by many third-party softwares
  • There are many adapters and scripts available
  • It already has a mattermost adapter among others (hipchat, slack, IRC, ...)
  • It uses nodejs which is already installed by the omnibus package
  • It has a built-in webserver/API (powered by express) to handle webhook and other things
  • Writing scripts/adapters is easy

The cons (versus Lita) are mainly around the technology it uses which is a bit unrelated to Gitlab: Hubot needs nodejs, an updated version of NPM and CoffeScript.

I got the service up and running on my local environment but had some problem building the omnibus package so I can't fully test-it ATM (any help would be appreciated):


Let me know if this choice is OK for you so I can continue working on it :)

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