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Updating GitLab Mattermost to 3.3 for GitLab 8.11 release

Mattermost 3.3 has been tested with GitLab SSO with official release on August 16 from You can visit to verify and test the release.

Mattermost team is ready to test GitLab 8.11 omnibus RC for both upgrade and new install.

Key updates for GitLab Mattermost 3.3
  • Dutch, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese language support
  • Flagged messages
  • Improved statuses and other user interface improvements

Full release notes can be found here, which includes optional settings to add to gitlab.rb for GitLab 8.11.

If you're replacing the binary file manually (instead of uncompressing the tar.gz) the localization string files de.json, en.json, es.json, fr.json, ja.json and pt-BR.json in the /i18n and /web/static/i18n directories would need to be updated from the tar.gz and kr.json, nl.json, zh_CN.json, zh_TW.json added for new Dutch, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese support, respectively.

Please let me or @it33 know if you have any questions. Thanks!

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