expired on Nov 30, 2015
Ship 3.0
3.0 ready to ship
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Eyedropper not compatible with 10.8
- Text view too small in fullscreen
- Instant replay shows XX instead of timestamps when you switch tabs and come back
- Tips window one wrong display
- send SIGWINCH after pressing CMD-K(Clear Buffer) so that shells can redraw their prompt string
- Prevent shell integration scripts from getting sourced twice [was: causes problems if you re-run source ~/.config/fish/]
- Upgrade to latest version of Sparkle [was: Can't update iTerm]
- Memory Leaks -- #3786 continued
- Shell Integration dings on PuTTY
- Shell integration error in vagrant vm
- Can't miniaturize borderless windows
- iTerm slows down after many days use
- username parsing with a \d is transforming into Date in the badge
- Bump version number of shell integration scripts when 3.0 is final
- unset HISTTIMEFORMAT before calling history in bash scripts
- Change bell ringing alert if bell is silenced
- Laggy powerline PS1 rendering in 2.9.20160206
- Update pencil icon to have more contrast with dark theme
- When starting a new session with a custom directory, the shell launcher is not invoked through login
- Tmux pane resize performance
- Bug: Closing a tab with Toolbelt present causes the Toolbelt window to close and resize it's elements much wider
- Shell integration should only be loaded for interactive shells
- Cmd-click regression in recent 2.9 beta build: triggers downloads instead of opening file in editor
- Allow set user & host trigger to set only user or only host, preserving the current value of the other.
- Tab Color menu item uses wrong label text color in dark mode
- Automatic profile switcher not switching.
- Bold fonts not properly rendered
- iterm2_shell_integration and Python virtualenv causes a prompt split into 2 lines
- hotkey window "current space" setting does not work
- Should the login shell be run in its own process group?
- Can't drop photos from Adobe Lightroom in new beta
- Theme incorrect on cold launch vs new window
- Cmd-tab and cmd/option remapping no longer working in 2.9 series
- Semantic History (cmd + click on text to trigger action) not working in v3 Beta
- shell integration: pressing ctrl-c while typing a shell command (aborting) should not add to the toolbelt command history
- strange offset of special characters
- Stolen mouse/keyboard events when using focus-follows-mouse + hotkey window + desktop switching
- Pencil icon doesn't appear if Growl notifications are off
- Hotkey Window briefly shows when switching spaces.
- Autocomplete box immediately appears on new prompt
- Autocomplete box hangs around after command entered
- SCP uploads files in a different directory than intended
- .iterm2_shell_integration could/should use \history
- Automatic Profile Switching: Switch back to previous profile when rule no longer matches
- If I exited the tab using exit command and then press Ctrl+Z to reopen the tab, then the tab opens in a hanging state.
- General Security / Feature Request: Option to disable Custom Escape Codes / Sequences
- Don't look in ~/.ssh/ssh_config, it's not standard
- iTerm window keeps moving down till it goes off screen
- Fix disabled tests
- Minimize flashing when switching between main and alternate buffers
- Trouble loading release notes
- Tip-of-the-day window steals input even when another window has focus
- Tip-of-the-day not in Help or Window or iTerm2 menu
- Add more options for find
- emoji with skin tones doesn't display correctly in 2.9.20151111
- Support force touch like the native
- Sign the nightly build
- iTerm2 and Path Finder 7 integration not working
- UI problems with Automatic profile switching
- The new Color Picker is not as functional as the native Mac color pickers
- Automatic Upgrade for Unsuported OS X Version
- Shell integration breaks cat + tab + backspace
- Windows created via applescript cause iTerm 2.9x to ignore external quit commands.
- Add a Find Cursor animation selection
- Close Tabs to the Right/Bottom
- MC remains on screen after resize and quit
- Large memory usage with nightly 2.9.20150812 and delays when changing tabs, switchting to iterm
- Shell integration for fish doesn't work if fish_vi_mode is used
- Clipboard being overwritten when returning to window with selected text
- Dim background windows in fullscreen across two display
- Semantic history: highlight item with wide characters
- Inline image display corruption on modification elsewhere
- Windows created with tmux -CC don't respect some settings
- Block Cursor should not increase in height as vertical space is added
- Resizing window corrupts the terminal (col,row) settings
- new window #lines doesn't match profile
- CommandUse created and destroyed too much
- tmux integration not working with tmux 1.9 on Ubuntu (15.04) but works with tmux 1.8 (14.04)
- Incorrect active tab highlight color in active windows
- Text rendering is thicker, less crisp than on retina and non-retina displays
- Gear icon on split pane headers is blurry/pixelated on retina displays
- zsh integration causes pause before command execution
- AppleScript splitting terminal session doesn't work as expected
- iterm2 reopen
- voice over does not appear to work with the password manager
- Consider using ${HOME} instead of hardcoded path to shell integration script
- Setting window title in 10.10 breaks `ls` on FAT32 mount points?
- backspace causes a line jump
- Tab color from View menu ignored
- automatic profile switching doesn't work if ssh proxy command used
- Visor window drops to bottom after having been unplugged from external monitor
- Newly-created windows open one-line shorter than set in Profile
- Unwanted resizing in Split Pane- El Capitan
- Tab bar does not appear in Mac OS X Fullscreen mode
- Remember tab color with window arrangement
- iTerm2 shell integration breaks android builds
- Shell integration breaks PS1 in zsh
- Enabling shell integration changes shell from Fish to Bash - unable to change back?
- Only expose the last 1000 lines to accessibility for performance
- Can't import color scheme
- Split View on El Capitan not behaving like it should
- multiple beeps when trigger text scrolls
- Unable to show emoji symbols properly
- Hotkey window often gets placed on wrong monitor
- iTerm Build 2.9.20150531-nightly crashes when using aText macros and large buffer
- If the last VT100WorkingDirectory or VT100RemoteHost scrolls out of history then the info is lost
- VT100ScreenMark leaking
- Top-of-screen (quake) style profile window resizes itself on occassion
- Save Window Arrangement not working when loading from custom URL
- Add force touch support
- iTerm2 does not remember spaces when relaunching.
- Semantic history: public.mpeg-2-transport-stream incorrectly opens in Atom (the text editor)
- Maximize active pane does not work in tmux integration
- Fish shell prompt counts characters incorrectly when using right prompt
- The first window in a saved window arrangement always opens in the home directory
- Bottom border with tabs is Black
- Display was wrong
- iterm 2.1.1 freezes / no more keyboard control
- Delays when typing
- Multiline mouse-select of wrapped text / paste includes newlines, if rich text is enabled
- Duplicate tab ignores "force profile to open in a window" setting
- Persist tab orders in tmux integration
- Restoration of window history disappears after showing for a few seconds
- iTerm2 Shell Integrations affect STDOUT of piped sub-shells
- Setting No Title bar
- = key on external keyboard doesn't work on any vi
- Semantic history does not attempt to run selected command
- Can't type after switching between fullscreen and window
- Reset scrollback on keypress
- Opening a new non-fullscreen iTerm2 window when you have an existing fullscreen window causes the fullscreen window to resize
- Tmux integration windows have a gray area at the bottom
- Lots of xterm title bar updates can overwhelm iTerm2 and cause unresponsive UI
- Chinese character will have display conflict when using with ascii English character.
- Text rendering is mal-functioned when using emacs in iTerm2
- item not working with multiple desktop windows on mac
- System-wide hotkey does not work correctly with Spaces
- Hotkey window appears in wrong place if attached to a window edge that a new display is connected at
- Issue when resizing window in multi screens env
- Double click in tab bar background in tmux window opens local tab
- Exposé display is cut off when shown on attached monitor
- History popup sets window on first monitor active
- v3: Flickering to iTerm2 background color when scrolling inside Emacs.
- Zoom preference is backwards
- 'About iterm' popup hard to access when using hotkey window.
- Splitting pane does not shift focus to new pane
- issues with multi-monitor setup and visor
- In tmux mode, with multiple tabs, splitting window splits tab other than the current one
- Moving a fullscreen iTerm2 "space" from one monitor to another using Mission Control causes display issues
- Cannot copy text containing emoji
- Allow undo close session
- Paste history should remember how a string was pasted
- Stepping back in time makes the window smaller
- Show pointer functionality moves spaces on second display
- Software update issues
- Hotkey window toolbelt non-function or off-screen
- Terminal save/restore does not work for Emacs 23 on CentOS 6
- Loading the same color profile multiple times creates duplicate presets
- ITerm hangs when attempted to select text for copying
- Inspector should reflect currently active tab settings.
- Updates available popup hidden behind full screen app
- Find tab given a tty / pid
- When using color highlighting triggers, high volume of test makes iterm unresponsive.
- Provide priority mechanism for color highlighting
- Unable to select screen for window placement
- Unable to select text with Apple VoiceOver
- Hotkey window doesn't work well with Alfred and Spotlight
- Change Profile on doubleclick
- Residual output after closing last tmux window in integration mode
- Lower background image blending
- add an option for saving an existing window arrangment
- Kill "send code on idle" or warn vociferously
- iTerm opens 2 windows when using autolaunch script
- ITERM_SESSION_ID not always unique
- The triggers do not follow a specific order and there is no option to stop processing further triggers
- Lion native fullscreen systemwide toggle doesn't work
- log session
- Search in profiles by substring matching
- Select from autocomplete using Ctrl-n/Ctrl-p
- Spurious characters when using tmux 'mouse-select-pane'