expired on Jan 1, 2016
Feature Complete 3.1
Features targeted for 3.1
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Parse OTF GSUB table to find ligatures
- it2ul
- Send clear-history on cmd-k in tmux integration mode
- Check For Updates denied on Sierra when iTerm is in a subdir of /Applications
- iTerm freezes when process crashes during image display
- iTerm insert control sequences on switching to another app and back
- Copy-paste has weird letters
- Underline too thin and close to the text?
- Slow display performance of specific unicode characters
- tmux pending output does not escape backslashes
- Can't see tabs in full screen mode
- Triple-click selects the screen line, not the logical line
- pbpaste like functionality, across iTerm
- Default for paste prompt should be "Cancel"
- Thin strokes strokes shouldn't always be enabled
- Performance issues with Tmux on nightly iTerm2-3_0_20160720-nightly
- Baseline difference from other OSX applications
- Spacing and rendering of ligatures inconsistent depending on coloring on macOS Sierra
- Ligatures spacing is incorrect on macOS Sierra Beta in tmux
- Hotkey window arrangement won't get saved
- Extremely slow performance with ANSI escapes with some Unicode code points
- (Feature Request?) Set Profile Theme by Time of Day
- Add switch for unicode 8/9
- Dictation woes
- Don't include session restoration info (e.g. server pid) in PTYSession arrangement unless it's needed
- imgcat : Ability to stop gifs from looping
- Function (fn) Key Not Working on OSX 10.11.5 on MBP 13" Retina
- Enhancement: Paste from file
- Loading a window arrangement referencing a missing profile does weird things
- Trigger to change window title
- Use a secondary color for search highlights.
- Merge reduceMemoryUsageForPreviewPanelsAndQuicklook branch into v3.1
- Tab label doesn't disappear
- paste is getting garbled somehow
- [Request] Option to always open profile in hotkey window
- Tab hover is laggy with lots of tabs
- Sluggish cursor
- iTerm 2.9 beta creates too many folders in Application Support
- Feature request: multiple hotkey windows
- Feature Request: Cmd+Tab to iTerm2 in Hotkey mode should show iTerm's Hotkey Window
- Significant performance degradation while working with text with a lot of minus(-) symbols
- Untangle -[PTYTextView setFrameSize:]
- Way too many calls to -[PSMYosemiteTabStyle desiredWidthOfTabCell:]
- Javanese text *seriously* degrades performance
- Hotkey does not present the popup terminal in the actual mouse screen
- Tab option not available - Color tab labels on activity
- Splitting a window in tmux mode while in OS X fullscreen mode improperly resizes window
- Open hotkey window on screen with cursor reportedly not working
- Consider using the VTE/ mechanism for CWD/host reporting
- iTerm won't "Quit when all windows are closed" if the "Hotkey window" has a dedicated profile
- Hotkey window not animating
- (re)connected tmux sessions' windows overlap existing fullscreen windows in the same OSX space
- Possible text rendering issue using `spark`
- Provide option to center window when profile window style is set to "Top of Screen"
- Closing hotkey-toggled window by activating Spotlight automatically dismisses Spotlight
- iTerm 2 on a dual monitor setup
- Tmux integration sometimes fails to start when connecting to remote server
- iTerm as TotalTerminal replacement
- Performance of displaying UTF-8 characters
- Hotkey window immediately loses focus
- Use OSC 7 to find out current directory
- Add option to have hotkey window roll in on the screen with the cursor
- Automatically expand hotkey profile on application focus [request]
- Feature request: hide from dock
- SIGWINCH not delivered until letting go of resize window
- Open hotkey window on the screen with cursor
- [Hotkey profile] Should be able to cmd+tab to the hotkey window even if it was hidden
- Allow iTerm2 hotkey window to attach to a tmux session
- Feature Request: Support for Ligatures
- Add window location "space with mouse cursor" [was: follow mouse]
- Scripting: accessor for hotkey window
- Scripting: allow raise & focus of hidden hotkey window
- Option to hide title bar
- Support for Multiple iTerm Hotkeys
- Multiple Global Hotkeys
- Show hotkey window when iTerm is focused through application switching.
- Add option to show visor when focus is brought back to iTerm2
- Hotkey window doesn't open on Cmd+Tab
- Activate hotkey window when iTerm2 is activated.
- Preserve current space when accessing terminal via hotkey
- Hotkey should show only the 'dedicated window' when chosen
- Add option to expand top/bottom-of-screen visor to overlap dock area.
- Direct access to tabs in hotkey terminal (multiple hotkeys)
- Drop-down visor switches desktop in full screen mode under Lion
- Show/hide hotkey uses raw keyboard keys, ignores keyboard layout
- Make hotkey window without brining other windows to front
- Allow two copies of iTerm2 to run at once for better visor [was: Visor mode: Brings other iTerm2 panels up even if they are hidden]
- Allow double-tap of modifier key as show/hide hotkey