Scrum view style milestone view.
Created by: dosire
Scrum view for issues. As discussed in
Merge request reports
Created by: dosire
I'll still have to fix
By Administrator on 2013-06-11T06:05:07 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-06-11T06:05:07 (imported from GitLab)
- app/views/milestones/_issues.html.haml 0 → 100644
1 .span6 2 .ui-box.milestone-issue-filter 3 %h5.title= title 57 57 58 58 .row 59 .span6 60 .ui-box.milestone-issue-filter 61 .title 62 %ul.nav.nav-pills 63 link_to('Open Issues', '#') 64 %li=link_to('All Issues', '#') 65 %ul.well-list 66 - @issues.each do |issue| 67 %li{data: {closed: issue.closed?}} 68 = link_to [@project, issue] do 69 %span.badge.badge-info ##{} 70 – 71 = link_to_gfm truncate(issue.title, length: 60), [@project, issue] 59 = render(partial: 'issues', locals: {title: 'Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)', issues: @issues.opened.unassigned}) 28 28 scope :cared, ->(user) { where(assignee_id: user) } 29 29 scope :authored, ->(user) { where(author_id: user) } 30 30 scope :open_for, ->(user) { opened.assigned(user) } 31 scope :assigned, -> { where("assignee_id IS NOT NULL") } 57 57 58 58 .row 59 .span6 60 .ui-box.milestone-issue-filter 61 .title 62 %ul.nav.nav-pills 63 link_to('Open Issues', '#') 64 %li=link_to('All Issues', '#') 65 %ul.well-list 66 - @issues.each do |issue| 67 %li{data: {closed: issue.closed?}} 68 = link_to [@project, issue] do 69 %span.badge.badge-info ##{} 70 – 71 = link_to_gfm truncate(issue.title, length: 60), [@project, issue] 59 = render(partial: 'issues', locals: {title: 'Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)', issues: @issues.opened.unassigned}) Created by: kirantpatil
How about supporting Huboard(Kanban board for github issues) "" ?
Huboard is built from the ground up using the GitHub public API.
It is mentioned in
By Administrator on 2013-06-17T08:28:30 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-06-17T08:28:30 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: dosire
@kirantpatil I'm all for someone making a Huboard fork as you can see at
By Administrator on 2013-06-17T17:19:42 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-06-17T17:19:42 (imported from GitLab)