Editable notes
Created by: jackbot
Add ability to edit notes, as per this feature request. Also allows attachments to be deleted from existing notes.
Merge request reports
6 6 Link here 7 7 8 8 - if(note.author_id == current_user.id) || can?(current_user, :admin_note, @project) 9 = link_to project_note_path(@project, note), title: "Remove comment", method: :delete, confirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove comment?', remote: true, class: "danger js-note-delete" do 9 = link_to "#", title: "Edit comment", class: "js-note-edit" do Created by: Razer6
@jackbot was your last commit your rebase?
By Administrator on 2013-07-01T06:26:22 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-07-01T06:26:22 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: jackbot
I've squashed the commits into one (is that what you mean?) Messed up a bit and added an empty merge though, sorry. Is this mergeable?
By Administrator on 2013-07-01T09:26:37 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-07-01T09:26:37 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: dzaporozhets
@jackbot thank you. I will play with it tomorrow
By Administrator on 2013-07-01T18:12:47 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-07-01T18:12:47 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: dzaporozhets
@jackbot thank you!
By Administrator on 2013-07-02T08:41:38 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-07-02T08:41:38 (imported from GitLab)