CentOS 6.4 install GitLab 6 0 stable ssh Auth fail
Created by: blackmanbachen
CentOS 6.4 install GitLab 6 0 stable ssh Auth fail. but i am already add ssh key in GitLab SSH public keys
Merge request reports
Created by: lukasraska
Same problem here, ssh keys arent added to authorized_keys, after adding them in there, ssh can login, but no repositories are found. Workaround is to make git url like this
//edit: Debian 64bit Wheezy, all checks are ok
By Administrator on 2013-08-30T12:05:58 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-08-30T12:05:58 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: blwin2010
Hi , i installed GitLab 6.0 in CentOS6.3 , and when i excute 'git push origin master' to create a project , I was asked the password of git@my.domain.com , but i check the config and authorized_keys are ok , can you tell me why? By the way , i also run into the problem about 'git clone git@my.domain.com:root/ab.git' does not work but 'git clone git@my.domain.com:repositories/root/ab.git' works fine .
Much Thanks!
By Administrator on 2013-09-01T15:36:22 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-09-01T15:36:22 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: Ponsjuh
I had the same problem getting asked for a password.
apparently SELinux is causing a problem i solved this by executing the following
su - git restorecon -R -v ~/.ssh
By Administrator on 2013-09-05T14:39:36 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-09-05T14:39:36 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: lukasraska
Ponsjuh: debian doesnt use selinux, so this isnt exactly that kind of problem... anyways, in master (6.1) its working... after upgrade to 6.1 you have to remove .ssh/authorized_keys, run ~/gitlab-shell/bin/install under git user and then try ~/gitlab-shell/bin/check if everything is ok... then re-add ssh keys
By Administrator on 2013-09-09T15:19:34 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-09-09T15:19:34 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: blackmanbachen
I in accordance with your method tried, but I still can't, check the result is: Check GitLab API access: OK Check directories and files: /home/git/repositories: OK /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys: OK
By Administrator on 2013-09-10T02:04:15 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2013-09-10T02:04:15 (imported from GitLab)