Add redis-server init.d dependency - fixes #598
Created by: abevoelker
The documentation's example init.d script apparently will fail on system startup if redis-server isn't started first (see #598 (closed)). I added a startup dependency for redis-server to fix this (also replaced unicorn meta info with gitlab while I was there).
However, the init.d script will have to be added to system boot using insserv
instead of update-rc.d
to take advantage of dependency resolution.
Merge request reports
Created by: abevoelker
Well, it might not fix the entire issue, but should fix @arenard's issue, anyway.
By Administrator on 2012-04-02T00:13:37 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-04-02T00:13:37 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: arenard
I tried the proposed solution and I confirm this is solving my issue.
I already tried to add redis-server as a dependency in init script but it didn't work because of
instead ofinsserv
.Thanks you.
By Administrator on 2012-04-02T08:46:17 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-04-02T08:46:17 (imported from GitLab)
323 323 324 324 When server is rebooted then gitlab must starting: 325 325 326 sudo update-rc.d gitlab defaults 326 sudo insserv gitlab Created by: dzaporozhets
@vsizov I'm going to merge this one
By Administrator on 2012-04-03T15:48:16 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-04-03T15:48:16 (imported from GitLab)
323 323 324 324 When server is rebooted then gitlab must starting: 325 325 326 sudo update-rc.d gitlab defaults 326 sudo insserv gitlab Created by: craSH
This issue still exists for me on Ubuntu 12.04, following today's - the fix for me was to change the start/kill priority of the gitlab initscript as follows:
sudo update-rc.d gitlab defaults 70 30
Because redis-server is installed with the default priority (20/20)
By Administrator on 2012-09-08T00:22:23 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-09-08T00:22:23 (imported from GitLab)