Adds support for ruby 1.8 in webhook example
Created by: spuder
By using the hash rocket syntax, the web hook will work on older versions of ruby (1.8) in addition to 1.9, 2.0 ect.. Moves do .. end to separate lines for ruby-lint.
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Merge request reports
Created by: TeatroIO
I've prepared a stage. Click to open.
By Administrator on 2014-09-19T19:42:45 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2014-09-19T19:42:45 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: dosire
Thanks @spuder and @razer6
By Administrator on 2014-09-20T09:57:24 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2014-09-20T09:57:24 (imported from GitLab)