network 500 error
Created by: zzjin
in some utf8 gbk file mesage context force_encoding will throw error witch cause network->500 error using 'CharlockHolmes' to decode encoding and convert to uf8 is needed ps:even if convert fail it will not throw error
Merge request reports
Created by: Danpiel
Thanks for your commit, worked for my issue -
Page loads very slowly, but it's working.
By Administrator on 2012-05-14T06:32:34 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-05-14T06:32:34 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: zzjin
@Danpiel How many commits your repo have ? over 1K? in mymcase I recently have a 300 commits repo build in less than 1s on my laptop's debian vmware .
By Administrator on 2012-05-14T06:41:19 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-05-14T06:41:19 (imported from GitLab)
Created by: Danpiel
I have 10 commits, but project itself has about 40k files, I think gitlab encodes everything to utf-8 and after that, he checks if there more than 200 files changed for diff display. Runs on virtual vmware server.
By Administrator on 2012-05-14T06:48:45 (imported from GitLab project)
By Administrator on 2012-05-14T06:48:45 (imported from GitLab)