Improvement to search in Project
Created by: zenati
This commit improves searching projects with multiple tokens by splitting tokens against searchable columns.
Before"hello world") runs the following sql:
SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects"
INNER JOIN "namespaces" ON "namespaces"."id" = "projects"."namespace_id"
WHERE (projects.archived = 'f')
AND (LOWER( LIKE '%hello world%'
OR LOWER(projects.path) LIKE '%hello world%'
OR LOWER( LIKE '%hello world%'
OR LOWER(projects.description) LIKE '%hello world%')
Project(name='hello', description='world') Will not be found
After"hello world") runs the following sql:
SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects"
INNER JOIN "namespaces"
ON "namespaces"."id" = "projects"."namespace_id"
WHERE (projects.archived = 'f')
AND (LOWER( LIKE '%hello%'
OR LOWER(projects.description) LIKE '%hello%'
OR LOWER(projects.path) LIKE '%hello%'
OR LOWER( LIKE '%hello%')
AND (LOWER( LIKE '%world%'
OR LOWER(projects.description) LIKE '%world%'
OR LOWER(projects.path) LIKE '%world%'
OR LOWER( LIKE '%world%')
Project(name='hello', description='world') Will be found
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