Fixed issue with `bundle exec rake routes` not running.
Created by: ghost
Wrap regex comments in (?#comment) construct.
Running bundle exec rake routes
caused the following error to be raised:
rake aborted!
end pattern with unmatched parenthesis: /^\/(([a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+\/[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+))\/branches\/((?x-mi:(?!#doesn'tbeginswith\/|#(rule#6)#doesn'tcontain.*(?:[\/.]\.|#(rule#1,3)\/\/|#(rule#6)@\{|#(rule#8)\\#(rule#9)))[^\000-\040\177~^:?*\[]+#(rule#4-5)#doesn'tendwith(?<!\.lock)#(rule#1)(?<![\/.])#(rule#6-7)))(?:\.([^\/.?]+))?$/
This change wraps the comments so this doesn't happen. According to the docs, it should have worked before, but it didn't. This way does.