GitLab Localization (en, de)
Created by: alexdo
Hey there!
Over the last days, I localized GitLab into English and German. To accomplish this, I made use of the Rails L18n API. Commit ff3166be is a squashed commit of 7b0d606b .. bd514eda in my master branch. It includes all changes in the view as well as YAML files for en + de.
I know, the YAMLs are quite dirty. But in fact, GitLab is a rapidly evolving application. Over the last 10 days, I were really busy merging new commits from gitlabhq:master and adjusting to changes, thus refactoring of YAML structure should be another piece of work or localization would take ages to complete.
After inspecting all the views, I also noticed a inconsistency of labels(either "Save" or "Add a new abc..") and alert dialogs (DELETE). Sometimes only "Are you sure?", sometimes a more concise "Are you sure you want to ....?".
GitLab is a great piece of software and I'd really like to see it being localized into serveral languages. Keep up the good work, you're awesome!