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Add Suggested Reviewer scenario

James Nutt requested to merge ml-suggested-reviewer-scenario into master

What does this MR do and why?

Adds a new orchestrated scenario for testing the Suggested Reviewer feature.

This scenario will be used to run tests that are yet to be written as part of

The aim of this MR is to create the scenario and get it to the point where it successfully creates the services in a k8s cluster. More changes could be needed later in a separate MR when I write the tests.


How to set up and validate locally

bundle exec exe/gitlab-qa Test::Integration::SuggestedReviewer EE
Expand for example output
[Sep 15 2022 11:09:00 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker pull -q gitlab/gitlab-ee:nightly`
[Sep 15 2022 11:09:03 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker container inspect gitlab-suggested-reviewer`
[Sep 15 2022 11:09:03 AEST (Gitlab QA)] ERROR -- Shell command output:
Error: No such container: gitlab-suggested-reviewer
[Sep 15 2022 11:09:03 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker network list --format '{{.Name}}' --filter name=^test$`
[Sep 15 2022 11:09:03 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker run -d --name gitlab-suggested-reviewer --net test --hostname gitlab-suggested-reviewer.test -p 80 --volume /home/mark/dev/gitlab/gitlab-qa/tmp/certs20220915-222579-10jvbxa/gitlab:/etc/gitlab/ssl:Z --volume /home/mark/dev/gitlab/gitlab-qa/tmp/certs20220915-222579-10jvbxa/authority:/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs:Z --volume /tmp/gitlab-qa/gitlab-qa-run-2022-09-15-11-09-00-1e88cfa6/gitlab-suggested-reviewer/logs:/var/log/gitlab:Z gitlab/gitlab-ee:nightly`
[Sep 15 2022 11:09:03 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker exec gitlab-suggested-reviewer bash -c "echo \"# Generated by GitLab QA Omnibus Configurator at 2022-09-15 11:09:00
# Gitlab::QA::Runtime::OmnibusConfigurations::Default
gitlab_rails['gitlab_default_theme'] = 10 # Light Red Theme
gitlab_rails['gitlab_disable_animations'] = true # Disable animations
gitlab_rails['application_settings_cache_seconds'] = 0 # Settings cache expiry
gitlab_rails['initial_root_password'] = '5iveL!fe' # Initial root password\" > /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb;"`
[Sep 15 2022 11:09:03 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker attach --sig-proxy=false gitlab-suggested-reviewer`
........................................................................................................................................................[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Waiting for GitLab to become healthy ...
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' gitlab-suggested-reviewer`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker port gitlab-suggested-reviewer 80/tcp`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- -> GitLab is available at `http://localhost:49155`!
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker cp /home/mark/dev/gitlab/gitlab-qa/support/data gitlab-suggested-reviewer:/tmp/data-seeds`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker exec gitlab-suggested-reviewer bash -c "mkdir -p /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks/pre-receive.d"`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker exec gitlab-suggested-reviewer bash -c "echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [[ \$GL_PROJECT_PATH =~ 'reject-prereceive' ]]; then
  echo 'GL-HOOK-ERR: Custom error message rejecting prereceive hook for projects with GL_PROJECT_PATH matching pattern reject-prereceive'
  exit 1
' > /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks/pre-receive.d/pre-receive.d;"`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker exec gitlab-suggested-reviewer bash -c "chmod +x /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks/pre-receive.d/*"`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Running exec_commands...
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:24 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker exec gitlab-suggested-reviewer bash -c "gitlab-rails runner /tmp/data-seeds/admin_access_token_seed.rb"`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:41 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker exec gitlab-suggested-reviewer bash -c ""`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:41 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `k3d registry list`
checking for kubectl... yes
checking for k3d... yes
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:41 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `k3d cluster create qa-cluster-20220915-ab83fb1c `
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:56 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `kubectl apply -f -`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:56 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Applying manifest /home/mark/dev/gitlab/gitlab-qa/support/manifests/suggested_reviewer/pubsub.yaml
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:56 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `kubectl apply -f -`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Applying manifest /home/mark/dev/gitlab/gitlab-qa/support/manifests/suggested_reviewer/recommender-bot.yaml
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `kubectl apply -f -`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Applying manifest /home/mark/dev/gitlab/gitlab-qa/support/manifests/suggested_reviewer/recommender.yaml
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `kubectl apply -f -`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Applying manifest /home/mark/dev/gitlab/gitlab-qa/support/manifests/suggested_reviewer/postgres.yaml
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `kubectl apply -f -`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Applying manifest /home/mark/dev/gitlab/gitlab-qa/support/manifests/suggested_reviewer/authenticator.yaml
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `kubectl apply -f -`
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Running Suggested Reviewer specs!
[Sep 15 2022 11:11:57 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker pull -q gitlab/gitlab-ee-qa:nightly`
[Sep 15 2022 11:14:04 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Running test suite `Test::Instance::All` for gitlab-ee
[Sep 15 2022 11:14:04 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker run -t --rm --net=test --env GITLAB_QA_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ACCESS_TOKEN="$GITLAB_QA_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ACCESS_TOKEN" --env GITLAB_INITIAL_ROOT_PASSWORD="5iveL!fe" --volume /tmp/gitlab-qa/gitlab-qa-run-2022-09-15-11-09-00-1e88cfa6/gitlab-ee-qa-b99ef584:/home/gitlab/qa/tmp:z --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:z --name gitlab-ee-qa-b99ef584 gitlab/gitlab-ee-qa:nightly Test::Instance::All http://gitlab-suggested-reviewer.test -- --tag suggested_reviewer`
2022-09-15 01:14:10 / CONF	:: 
      ==> Base URL: http://gitlab-suggested-reviewer.test
      ==> Browser: #<Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Driver:0x00007f1b4480b540>
      ==> Libraries: Chemlab::Vendor
[Sep 15 2022 01:14:10 UTC (QA Tests)] INFO  -- Performing sanity check for environment!
Run options:
  include {:suggested_reviewer=>true}
  exclude {:geo=>true}

Randomized with seed 35058

Top 0 slowest examples (0 seconds, 0.0% of total time):

Finished in 0.00658 seconds (files took 2.72 seconds to load)
0 examples, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 35058

[Sep 15 2022 11:14:11 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker ps -f name=gitlab-suggested-reviewer`
[Sep 15 2022 11:14:11 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `docker rm -f gitlab-suggested-reviewer`
[Sep 15 2022 11:14:12 AEST (Gitlab QA)] INFO  -- Shell command: `k3d cluster delete qa-cluster-20220915-ab83fb1c`

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by James Nutt

Merge request reports