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Draft: Introduce grid containers using selenoid for video recording

James Nutt requested to merge sg/selenoid into master

What does this MR do and why?

This MR introduces the ability to run the tests against a grid using Selenoid when the USE_SELENOID environment variable is set.

This is mostly initial work for the idea; extra plumbing has to be done in the QA framework to record video, as well as export it properly.

in qa/runtime/browser.rb:146

if QA::Runtime::Env.remote_grid
  selenium_options[:browser] = :remote
  selenium_options[:url] = QA::Runtime::Env.remote_grid
  capabilities[:browserVersion] = 'latest'
  capabilities['sauce:options'] = { tunnelIdentifier: QA::Runtime::Env.remote_tunnel_id }

  # add selenoid capabilties as referenced here: 
  capabilities['selenoid:options'] = {
    enableVideo: true,
    # set video name (will want to do this per spec)
    # videoName: 'something.mp4'


  • The QA framework reuses the browser session per multiple tests. It will need to spin up new sessions per test if we want separate video.
  • The QA framework starts the test by generating a PAT via the UI. Caution is needed when thinking of exporting video as artifacts.

This is not necessarily the case, because pretty much all environments have admin user with PAT which is predefined via environment variable on pretty much all pipelines, so creating PAT via UI isn't necessary.

  • Run locally, the video size for the Test::Integration::Integrations job (4 tests) is 540KB, so it should be doable to store as an artifact.
  • Selenoid does not distinguish failed vs passing tests. It will generate video for everything. Intervention might be required.

Screenshots or screen recordings


How to set up and validate locally

  1. Add the snippet above to a local copy of the QA Framework, the create a local docker image
    • docker build -t gitlab/gitlab-ce-qa:your-custom-tag --file ./qa/Dockerfile ./
  2. Spin up the gitlab/selenoid containers using USE_SELENOID=true with ./exe/gitlab-qa and the args --no-teardown --no-tests
    • Ex in gitlab-qa/: USE_SELENOID=true ./exe/gitlab-qa Test::Instance::Image EE --no-teardown --no-tests
    • This should create conatiners for gitlab and the selenoid grid that are on the network test
    • We will need the hostname of the running selenoid container and the port for the gitlab nightly container in order to point the browser to it from the test container. (docker ps)
  3. Manually kick off the QA image by overriding the entrypoint CHROME_DISABLE_DEV_SHM=true docker run -it --entrypoint="/bin/bash" --network=test gitlab/gitlab-ce-qa:your-custom-tag
  4. Run some tests: QA_REMOTE_GRID="<name-of-selenoid-container>:4444" WEBDRIVER_HEADLESS=false bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All <your_ip>:<port_for_nightly_image> -- path_to_some_spec.rb
    • Note: We have to run it with WEBDRIVER_HEADLESS=false or we get a blank video.
  5. Get the video from the volume mount from selenoid - /opt/selenoid/video/<video>.mp4
    • Easiest way to view the video is to visit localhost:4444/video

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by James Nutt

Merge request reports