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Add options to skip teardown and tests

James Nutt requested to merge ml-add-no-teardown-no-tests-options into master

Adds options to skip container teardown after scenarios complete (via --no-teardown) and skip tests (via --no-tests)

When run it looks like this:

↳ exe/gitlab-qa Test::Instance::Image EE --no-tests
Chef Client finished, 519/1453 resources updated in 02 minutes 42 seconds
gitlab Reconfigured!
Skipping tests.
The orchestrated docker containers have not been removed.
Docker shell command: `docker ps`
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                    PORTS                                    NAMES
b8ed1c23d4d5        gitlab/gitlab-ee:nightly      "/assets/wrapper"        2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes (healthy)    22/tcp, 443/tcp,>80/tcp   gitlab-ee-63fd28b6

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Edited by James Nutt

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