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Allow docdir to be defined at build-time

username-removed-872289 requested to merge cjmayo/tint2:installdirs into master
  • Simplify by using GNUInstallDirs module
  • Move html documentation into an html subdirectory

Hardcoding docdir is a problem for Gentoo Linux where the standard is to install a single directory in /usr/share/doc/ named with the Gentoo package version number.

Changing to GNUInstallDirs affects more than just docdir but I think it makes sense to do it all at once - otherwise it would mean creating one solution just to modify it straight away.

Default behaviour remains the same (except the html subdirectory of course).

I believe using GNUInstallDirs makes the CMakeLists.txt files more maintainable.

I haven't tested the gtk-update-icon-cache commands. I'll raise an issue about why not.

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