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  • Bryce Guinta's avatar
    Fix augassign recursion error · 3fae32f9
    Bryce Guinta authored
    The augmented assign rhs context path was deleted most likely
    due to a recently fixed inference bug where InferenceContext path
    attributes were shared between objects.
    Recursive functions on the right hand side of the augmented assign would
    forget that they were already called, causing an eventual RecursionError
    in astroid inference
    Now that the InferenceContext clone() method properly copies the
    inference path between Contexts, it's fine to remove this hack.
    Fixes #437, Fixes #447, Fixes #313, Fixes PyCQA/pylint#1642, Fixes PyCQA/pylint#1805, Fixes PyCQA/pylint#1854, Fixes PyCQA/pylint#1452
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