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username-removed-72553 requested to merge msabramo/flake8:logging into master

Add logging that could be useful for debugging

❯ flake8 -v
local configuration: in /Users/marca/dev/git-repos/flake8
DEBUG:flake8.engine:before adding EXTRA_EXCLUDE: options.exclude = ['.git', '.tox', 'dist', 'docs', '*egg']
DEBUG:flake8.engine:after adding EXTRA_EXCLUDE: options.exclude = ['.git', '.tox', 'dist', 'docs', '*egg', '.tox']
directory .
checking ./
directory ./.eggs
directory ./bin
checking ./
directory ./eggs
checking ./bin/
directory ./flake8
checking ./flake8/
checking ./flake8/
checking ./flake8/
checking ./flake8/
checking ./flake8/
checking ./flake8/
checking ./flake8/
checking ./flake8/
checking ./flake8/
directory ./flake8/__pycache__
directory ./flake8/tests
checking ./flake8/tests/
checking ./flake8/tests/
checking ./flake8/tests/
directory ./flake8/tests/__pycache__
directory ./flake8.egg-info
./flake8/ E501 line too long (127 > 79 characters)
❯ flake8
./flake8/ E501 line too long (127 > 79 characters)

Note that the E501 message above is not a real problem; it's the result of me putting in an error on purpose so that the output looks more realistic.

Merge request reports