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.well-list item name spacing fix Follow up on #6643

Follow up on #6643

The well list clearfix pull request makes some well list items bigger in height. That made it more obvious that the spacing in these list items is not equal on all sides. On the master branch the buttons are too far down. On the well list clearfix pull request version the text is higher up from the baseline thanks to the increase in height. This pull request will fix the baseline in these items as shown in the following image.

The effect of all states, left master branch, center is pull request #6643, right one is this pull request. (Click for a better view)


The left aligned text in these list items are now wrapped in a float: left element (through class .list-item-name) which fixes the spacing to make it a generic style rather than to apply every spacing fix on their separate elements.

A different solution to this problem would be to absolute position the right aligned text .pull-right with top: 10px; right: 10px;, and apply a padding-right: #px to list item. However this introduces the problem of variable width of the right aligned text and thus a variable padding-right to be set for every different view. Resulting in a lot more work and a lot more code. The solution in this merge request in more flexible even though it uses floats.

Let me know what you think whether or not you prefer a different approach.

Note: This pull request's code is dependent on pull request #6643's code. That's why it includes the same commit (I branched from that branch). Without it will just result in broken views.

Merge request reports
