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Fixe a regression in 2.14.6 w/ Fivemat formatter.

Created by: myronmarston

In, Fivemat has two ways to check for pending example fixed:

  • example.execution_result[:exception].pending_fixed? (but we removed this in #1106 because it broke when dealing with frozen exceptions)
  • RSpec::Core::PendingExampleFixedError === exception (but this const was renamed in b5d10ccb).

The RSpec::Core::PendingExampleFixedError line in Fivemat was never hit in recent releases because example.execution_result[:exception] responded to pending_fixed? -- until 2.14.6.

@dchelimsky -- do you remember the motivation for renaming the error class in b5d10ccb ? The commit message doesn't give a rationale. I don't think this should break anything (and fixes the Fivemat problem) but wanted to check with you.

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