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Prevent spec from issuing confusing output.

gitlab-qa-bot requested to merge fix-confusing-spec-output into master

Created by: myronmarston

On ruby 2.0.0, rspec --seed 1325 would issue confusing output where the end-of-run summary is printed twice. See the following example output below.

This spec was the culprit. It's not actually concerned with running the command line so we might as well stub it out.

Run options: include {:focus=>true} exclude {:ruby=>#Proc:./spec/spec_helper.rb:152}

All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true} .....No examples found.

Finished in 0.00006 seconds 0 examples, 0 failures

Deprecation Warnings:

Using stub from the old :should syntax without explicitly enabling the syntax is deprecated. Use the new :expect syntax or explicitly enable :should instead. Called from /Users/myron/code/rspec-dev/repos/rspec-core/spec/rspec/core/runner_spec.rb:57:in `block (3 levels) in module:Core'.

1 deprecation warning total

Randomized with seed 5055


Pending: ::DRbCommandLine with server running outputs colorized text when running with --colour option # figure out a way to tell the output to say it's tty # ./spec/rspec/core/drb_command_line_spec.rb:97

Finished in 2.18 seconds 1126 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending

Randomized with seed 1325

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