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Conditional pending

Created by: myronmarston

I've had some cases where I've got a spec that runs in multiple contexts, and it passes in one and fails in another. For example, this may be because of running the specs against different versions of ruby (say, it passes on MRI 1.8.7 but fails on JRuby).

Before now, I've used code like this to handle it:

it "does someting" do
  run_test = lambda do
    # put the actual spec logic here

  if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java'
    pending("waiting for the JRuby devs to fix issue XXX", &run_test)

This is functional, but not terribly elegant. I came up with the idea to allow pending to take :if and :unless options. Now I could rewrite like this:

it "does someting" do
  pending("waiting for the JRuby guys to fix issue XXX", :if => RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java') do
    # spec logic goes here

This is a bit more elegant, I think.

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