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Add ability to filter hooks via simple keys.

gitlab-qa-bot requested to merge github/fork/amount/simple_key_filtering into master

Created by: tmertens

Also, add feature spec documentation for various filter types.

This resolves a pain point for me, where we want to create conditional before/after/around blocks that run if a key is set on an example with any value. Previously, in order to handle any possible value, we had to provide a Proc which evaluates to true for this to work. This PR adds the ability to simply specify the key as a filter, and if it exists in the metadata hash, it will run the block (provided no other filters filter it out).

For example, suppose we want to timecop an entire example to a specified date/time. Previously, this would require a Proc to handle evaluation of the metadata value in order to make the block run:

config.around(:example, travel: ->(date_time) { date_time.present? }) do |example| example.metadata[:travel] do

This PR makes this scenario simpler and more efficient due to not having to evaluate a Proc for every example containing the specified key:

config.around(:example, :travel) do |example| example.metadata[:travel] do

I also added feature specs for all of the filter types, except :location and :ids, which seem to be more specific to the CLI. These various options were previously undocumented and only apparent if you actually read through the Core::MetadataFilter class or tests.

Necessary Changes:

  • Add a filter for when only a key is provided.
  • Minor refactor of Core::MetadataFilter#filter_applies? to satisfy rubocop, and satisfy this feature.
  • Add tests!

All previously existing tests pass without modification, so this should be a backwards compatible feature.

Merge request reports