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(refactor): Avoid calling superclass.method

Created by: dgmstuart favour of using a lambda.

This addresses

But really, any third party code which causes problems with the original code is probably doing something a bit dodgy (e.g. overriding the method method on an object).

Core test suite passes locally, but I haven't been able to run the travis build locally because of the following (unrelated) error:

» script/run_build
============= Starting binstub check ===============
Checking required binstubs
============= Ending binstub check ===============
============= Starting specs ===============
script/rspec_with_simplecov:17:in `require': cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError)
        from script/rspec_with_simplecov:17:in `<main>'

(I'm using bundler 1.10.6)

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