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Generate rubocop_todo.yml

Created by: garettarrowood

This PR adds a rubocop_todo.yml file to root. This file was generated using the --auto-gen-config flag. This file can be leveraged to understand areas for "improvement" in the application code, and provide an easier path towards resolving offenses.

No worries if this is not something the rspec-core team wants to include. I noticed you recently upgraded to the most recent version of RuboCop.

If this is accepted, there are a few steps I'd recommend come next.

  1. Add the cop Departments into rubocop_rspec_base.yml file. So instead of just MethodLength, this would be Metrics/MethodLength.
  2. Alphabetize both rubocop config files to make it more user friendly when looking up your linting conventions. This also makes it easier to cross reference.
  3. Revisit the mass disabling of rules during upgrade. These decisions can definitely be put off. But removing the falses and then regenerating this todo file presents a clear view of the current state of the project (in the view of rubocop, of course). I've found it had to make decisions about these all at once because there are 300+ cops with granular configurations. Often there is a setting for a cop that is preferable to disabling it. Not always though :).
  4. Start addressing desired refactorings/fixes one group of related rules at a time, utilizing --auto-correct when possible.

Happy to do any of these things in follow up PRs. Also happy if you decide this doesn't sound like a good direction for the repo and this PR is closed :) .

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