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Fix for --example so that it is not double-escaped when running tests over DRb

Created by: mcmire

I found a little unexpected bug with the escaping behavior of --example. Basically, if you're running RSpec over DRb, and you run a command like

rspec spec/whatever_spec.rb --example "foo bar"

you'll get an error like

No examples matched {:full_description=>/(?-mix:foo\\\ bar)/}.

The issue is that the first time the options are parsed, --example is escaped, so RSpec ends up with a regex like /foo\ bar/. The options then get passed to the RSpec server over DRb, but before that happens, --example is stringified again, simply by getting the source of the regex. Unfortunately /foo\ bar/.source is not "foo bar", it's "foo\ bar", so that's what get passed along.

I've fixed this by stripping any backslashes that appear in the --example group prior to being passed on. We do have to make the assumption that any backslashes that do appear were inserted by RSpec and aren't intentional, but I think that's a fair assumption.

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